With respect to their privacy, we will only list their initials.
Very thorough, had my head spinning at times but valuable training overall. E.E.
It was good. Will be helpful for new employees in the AV world. J.S.
I have found the course to be very in depth and have learned a lot. D.G.
Loved this course. I’ve taken a LOT of audio courses and I’ve found this to be the most relatable. A few things never “clicked” until I took this course. J.K.
A lot of information in these courses. A note pad is needed. C.V.
Packed full of information and assessments. B.S.
Very useful info. K.D.
Is very interesting. J.S.
I really enjoyed seeing the hands on demos. J.G.
Very well done, with appropriate analogies from the nature and similar physical process. D.P.
This course was very challenging. This time around I did have to “pause the video”, think about what I just heard/saw, and think about it a few times over. Course 100 I think is a must for people wanting to take their CTS. J.C.
This course was even more useful to me than course 50. The extra demo sections really helped. C.S.
Awesome course. B.N.
I think it is very good. I have read a number of introductions to audio, I both learned new things during the course and appreciated the quality of your presentation of information I was already familiar with. T.O.
Good for the beginner. K.S.
Not bad. A lot of information for sure. D.C.
It was very informative. ALOT of information. TOO MUCH to grasp all of it. C.B.
Great course, learned a ton. All your courses thus far have been great. B.M.
The course was more difficult than I expected for a level 100 course. Overall, I appreciate the difficulty level was challenging. At the start of the course, you should have a download that includes all of the course materials in one download instead of downloading each of them individually. J.R. I will certainly discussed your suggestion with Pat Brown. Brenda Brown
The course was interactive and easy to follow. i liked that there was a section to read over the course material as well as interactive videos. Adding pictures and diagrams helped me visualize the material and played a big roll in my success with this course. G.M.
Very thorough and informative, I have learned a lot after taking this course! A.F
New to pro audio. I like that the test keep your correct answers so you can focus on reviewing the ones you got wrong.
I thought it was very informational but seemed like a pretty decent jump in complexity from course 50.
Grrrrrrreat! J.C.
Clarity and Structure. S.K.
This has really filled in some large gaps of my knowledge and helped me grasp the information. C.C.
A really good one. A lot of details and explanations about everything. J.C.
Please add Closed Captions. A.M.
Course was very in-depth and provided lots of insight to the actual workings of audio systems. At times the information provided did feel dense, and took some time to absorb, but once understood, it became helpful to being able to comprehend the numerous specification terms and numbers that I would see and not completely understand. B.O.
This is a very good refresher course. There are details that have been forgotten over the years. H.K.
Every lesson important. It’s useful. B.V.
Super in depth & informative, lucky to have this as an online course. C.C.
It was good. It had its challenges. B.M.
As with the last course that I took I thought that this one was very informative and taught me a lot that I didn’t know regarding audio. M.S.
It really helps to refresh my knowledge about the audio basic. C.C.
Good well paced course. Didn’t take too long on topics but also moved quick enough to keep it interesting. J.W.
I love the format of the course. There is so much information! S.M.
Very thought provoking, even for the veteran that I am. J.S.
It’s very useful training to understand the Audio Signals. It’s very good. N.L.
Absolutely love the electrical or physical explanations of the explanations. Only wished for more in depth explanations even if its a digression. F.C.
Explain the sound from the zero. very nice training! P.S.
I liked the course and thought it was a good bit of a challenge, and a great step up from the 50 course. M.F.
This is a content rich course. As a beginner, there is a lot of information to absorb and retain. I personally could have benefited from this class being split in two with more time spent on the various topics. A.G.
Very good and informative. C.V.
I thought that this course was very informative, and I learned a lot. I truly enjoy the format that it is presented, written and through video. This helps the information stick. P.G.
The course is great, i have been in the AV industry for 20years and this still gave me reason to think through the fundamentals again. Thank you! A.D.
I loved it, very informational. D.S.
The whole course was mind opening to me!! B.M.
This course is very informative and lot of things it made me to recall.
Great course of foundational knowledge. V.D.
I would liked to have seen more use cases of some of the info. Like this is a definition and this is where it is most often used or here is where that will often happen. B.H.
My favorite part was in regards with the Daytona DATs tester and how frequency affects the impedance. I used to use a Daytona DATS V3 at my old job, calculating the load on the line, but never knew why we always used the lowest point. I had asked my senior engineer, but he was never able to give me a detailed and yet concise answer as to why. F.A.
There was a lot packed in and i wish i could have had more time to watch and rewatch the videos. But I downloaded all of the PDFs and will be going over them. I am a very hands on person and used to practical application, so learning more about the science and theory behind audio is more difficult for me yet intriguing to learn. I appreciate it because it is the building blocks for things to come, but it can be a lot of information to digest at once. I also wanted to thank you for the extension due to my surgery. The extra month was greatly appreciated and I’ve enjoyed the 2 courses I’ve taken from your site. B.W.
I improve my knowledge from the course. A.T.
This course was very helpful and interesting, full of useful information that will help me to grow in my career. A.D.
I honestly enjoy the way the material is shown to us. I appreciate being able to read through it before watching the videos that help us better understand it. Z.B.
Course was awesome. D.C.
As I am new to the industry, I found some of the topics hard to understand, mostly the graphs and what they were referencing. C.M. As you work in the industry, these topics will mean more to you. Later on, you are welcome to come back and review this course. Brenda Brown
Course is great, has a good dynamic. A.M.
Great coverage of the material and may be more in depth compared to the final test and a bit short with regards to the quiz. J.S.
I like the mix of written info and video lessons, specifically how they are broken down into manageable sized units. J.K.
I thought the content was presented well, I liked to read, then watch videos. Seemed like some the questions for the quiz weren’t presented, or presented in a different format.J.P.
Thank you. Reading before watching the video is a great approach. Some of the final exam questions requires the learner to apply one or two of the principles presented to get the answer. Brenda Brown
You guys did great. Gave me a good challenge. Great course! P.S.
Great Course, I learn a lot. J.L.
I loved the courses and your approach to teaching. It all worked really well for me. A.R.
You do a wonderful job at making these courses short but information PACKED. No beating around the bush and I love it. One video per day is perfect because that one 5 minute estimated video has enough information to keep your brain gears turning. The visuals really help bring it all together and “paint a picture” for the brain to better understand.
Through deep web digging, I’ve discovered SynAudCon and I am SO happy to have stumbled upon your courses. J.G.
Nice Course. D.L.
It was a good lesson. A little more complex than 50 but definitely helped out. M.S.
It was a good course. I wish I wasn’t as busy with other work so I could have dedicated more time to really retaining all of it. Z.C. I appreciate your desire to learn. I extended the course to 9/11/2024. Hopefully, you will have some time to review the course. We love working with motivated learners. Brenda Brown
I found the course to be extremely informative. The topics started a little difficult to understand, but after a couple times rewatching I found myself following along better and understanding the topics well. R.W.
Even though it was a longer course, I enjoyed learning more about the more detailed things that happen beyond the surface level. K.H.
This course used a lot more technical jargon than course 50. I found I had to rewatch videos multiple times to understand what was being said. K.S.
Generally everything was great across the board. T.K.
I learned so many new things, on audio and basic electrical. S.V.
Pacing was great! I like the comments section. It helps deepen my understanding. L.F.
This course was very well put together. P.M.
Excellent course!! A.P.
This course was dense with material. I think you do a great job but still had difficulty grasping some concepts. Maybe more real life examples. A.T.
Thanks for taking the time to put this together for everyone. M.F.
I really liked the course. It was informative and put into perspective things that I already knew but didn’t know when and where they were applied. J.M.
I enjoyed the chapters on basic electricity and loudspeaker fundamentals. Pat has a knack for making the content digestible and easy to understand. M.S.
There was some review but a lot of new concepts that I will take from this. The chapter that I learned the most from would probably be the Audio Interfaces followed by the Audio Meters and Loudspeaker chapters. I appreciated all the demos and information on the measurement tools and software. A.S.
Felt the course was well presented and organized. The demos are especially useful as they provide practical examples of the theoretical concepts presented. E.L.
I do not have anything to provide. I am new in the AV world and have now taken your 50 and 100 course to dip my toes in. I am still learning, so I don’t feel I am able to provide feedback as needed. You guys are great though as far as response! B.L.
Re-mastering, improving, and making the videos more fun and engaging I think. J.R.
It’s been such a long time!!! So much review material triggered the past in my brain.
Again most of this information I have known and used for years but still reviewing it and putting in the forefront of my designer brain will assist moving forward as I will apply some concepts more effectively. K.B.
Like Course 50, the Exam questions were geared toward application of what was learned and not repeats from section quizzes. D.O. That is correct. Our goal is to learn the principles well enough so you can apply them. Brenda Brown
Everything about the course felt very professional and well done. D.D.
Outlining made overall learning easier. R.S.
All the graphics and comparisons to help relate the material. A.C.
I thought the material was very appropriate and maybe a little on the “more difficult” side for a 100-level course. But that is good. I’m here to learn and be challenged not to be given anything. I like real world examples and I’m sure some of the more advanced courses probably look at actual spec sheets of products and use them in design and real-world applications. I plan to take additional courses. I like have the teaching text. I downloaded it to my iPad and made notes as i went along. Sometimes even grabbing screen shots to put in my notes because the visuals are very helpful. T.H.
From where I was to where I am in the audio world after taking SynAudCon courses is miles apart — and that’s a good thing! N.R.
Videos and outlines were helpful in keeping engaged with content. L.L.
I really enjoyed the Basic Electricity topic. You went into details about high and low impedance which was a little difficult to grasp at the beginning. I am still grasping the information even after my note taking from the other topics. So it is room for growth with myself to understand and study more. E.T.
Great course! R.H.
Great refresher. Been working for a while and training people. and felt the need to brush up on key fundamentals. C.T.
The demonstrations were very useful. G.J.
I loved the interactivity of the video lessons and really appreciated the check-in quizzes after each lesson. It helped to apply what I just learned in the lessons to the practice quizzes. H.A.
Really great course – Pat does a phenomenal job of explaining complex topics in a simple manner. Really appreciate the comparisons to non-audio concepts.. (i.e., the pool pump vs electrical circuit) D.A.
I really appreciate how easy to swallow this course was from, information to graphics to help visualize what is being taught better. E.M.
Thank you Ed. Between the videos, images, the IntellKwik calculator, Pat really goes to extra lengths to make these concepts understandable. BTW, the moving animations and images were developed and drawn by Pat. I know I am his wife, but I will forever admire him and his work. So grateful you found this course to be beneficial. Brenda Brown
This course was very intensive compared to the 050 fundamentals course. I’m not sure that I have any suggestions to improve it, but watching the videos a second time through after progressing a bit help give the material some more context and to help absorb the info. H.C.
I agree with you 100%. In our user guidelines, this is our recommendation. Unfortunately, I think very few follow this recommendation.
We have found that watching all the training videos in the course before taking the quizzes is the best approach for most people. It will give you the big picture. Then go back and take each lesson. Brenda Brown
A lot of sections till the test, maybe slim it down. A.D.
Pat struggled with that when he was developing the course. He felt the principles presented was necessary to get a full understanding. Brenda Brown
The best online course that I have ever seen. K.A.
I wish I had started with Course 50 instead of level 100. A.B
I agree, Course 50 – How Sound Systems Work lays some foundational principles for Course 100. Brenda Brown
I really appreciated the “real world” examples so I can actually see things happening instead of just reading about them or learning via slides. I also like the addition of questions/comments from other people who are taking the course. You also are very great about providing documents that are helpful not only while taking the course but in the future when I forget something. J.T.
I am truly getting a lot out of these courses. I will continue buying them. A.P.
The course was just fine. N.P.
It was very informative. J.Z.
Thank you for taking the time to present all the demonstrations (e.g. EMI interference) to help explain the concepts. R.S.
I think It was perfect. J.R.
I think that it was an amazing experience to broaden my view as a student sound engineer. K.L.
You’ve got me hooked on these courses- I’m ready to get the next one going as I’ve just wrapped up this 2nd one. It’s been great filling in blanks along the way. A lot of my colleagues have real-world experience out there in various capacities, so as a sales engineer at XXX, this course is very revealing in a lot of interesting and meaningful ways. I.A.
It was very informative and to the point. I.J.
Really enjoyed the content and the videos. A way to be able to access the video library after course completion would be immensely helpful. J.E.
Great report!! If you would like access to the course for a review, please send me an email and I will gladly reactivate it for a couple of weeks. The way Learning Management Systems Work – we pay per seat. We have thousands of grads. After a person graduates, the course sits idle for 95% of our grads. Keeping all the seats open would force us to raise our prices. We would rather reactivate the course for the ones who would like to review and keep our prices low. Brenda Brown
Recommend more time for studying and review of material, my supervisors don’t understand how long these courses take. S.C.
The Course is very intuitive. Short videos kept me focus and the Video Demonstrations were on point. G.G.
This course was highly informative and bridged a lot of knowledge gaps in my understanding of the concepts. K.F.
Tough stuff to learn but it is presented in a good way to learn. I would have to liked to see a few more demonstrations regarding the circuit and a few other parts but very well put together information. A.W.
The whole course was informative. I appreciate getting formulas and keywords before in each section. B.H.
I have to admit in person is more fun, but online has its own merits.D.W.
This was so enlightening! I have been working professionally in the live production industry for several years and have learned many principles without any clear understanding for the question, “Why?” You have answered many questions – especially regarding the scientific calculations which produced things I use practically every day, like the logarithmic ratio used in various dB scales or the importance of the relationship shared between voltage, impedance, and amperage to audio circuits. You are fantastic teachers, and I enjoyed learning from you! T.J.
It is super educational and all of the concepts are explained well. The examples and demos are especially helpful in understanding the concepts in a more practical way. C.H.
It was all really useful, and gave me new knowledge as well as reinforcing my existing knowledge. A.R.
I would love to give you suggestions on how to improve the courses, but I have zero complaints or ways I think it could be improved. I’ve found the videos to be very thorough and helpful, as I am not a good reader! N.W.
I appreciate the extremely precise wording. How we talk about these things really influences how we think of them. D.W.
You did a great job! L.S.
I think the course is very informative. I love the style and the delivery. Pat is awesome and if you could let him know i said that i would appreciate it. E.J.
For me this was challenging, but towards the end I got stronger. I realize some of the silly mistakes that I made, but that was good. It made me focus. C.J.
These courses are wonderful an thorough. Making some sort of interface option where you could flag timestamps in video that you didn’t quite understand to help the user review would be incredible. C.P.
It was very in-depth. K.M.
It was very thorough and dense, every video I found myself taking nearly a pages worth of notes, and even had to slow the videos down. T.B.
Was good and very insightful. M.P.
Very Good! C.S.
Much denser than the 50 course. Good information and I love the demo videos. Being able to visualize speaker polarity was cool. I found the basic electricity section challenging. B.B.
Great course. Very informative. C.D.
The two hours of your class seemed to fly by. No need to apologize! Of course I would have liked to continue the lecture deeper, but even so I found a lot of value. You are excellent at putting many intermingled concepts together in a way that is very intuitive. I deeply enjoyed attending the course. A.L.
Always insightful and saturated with resourceful information! B.R.
No one will ever know the impact you and your helper have had in people’s lives ( impact to the industry is obvious). Thank you so much for everything!!!!!! G.V.
Thank you! Great training and very pedagogically! A.S.
Amazing Course – A lot of info.
Crucial reinforcement of fundamentals needed for any audio professional. N.M.
I thought this was very thorough and challenging. My favorite part was the digital audio chapter. A lot of potential in this area. M.M.
Great course! It taught me a lot and reinforced my existing knowledge. W.M.
Great course! Definitely forgot more than I remembered… P.R.
After mixing audio as a freelance engineer, I found there was a lot I knew or had a comfortable understanding of. I was very surprised at what I didn’t know which was a lot. D.H.
Great content; Good graphics to support. Everyone in this field should take this course. A.B.
Good information, good at tying together concepts. C.C.
The plan and direction of the study was very well done. Starting with the basics of audio ‘movements’ and adding the next element was very helpful. I also enjoyed the “real world” examples. J.I.
This training was much more in depth and thought provoking that the last one I took. This is where it really gets you thinking instead of just taking in the information. You remain the best training I have ever taken to date. Thank you! N.K.
First thing that comes to mind is I was pleasantly surprised to receive a call from Brenda when she noticed I was lagging behind in the course and she simply extended it for another month! I really appreciated your guys’ flexibility and service. W.L.
These have been great so far but it almost feels like the electrical portion could have been its own course. T.F.
Taking the extra time to really repeat and solidify concepts especially regarding the electrical terms and formulas is very helpful. Also maybe a little more time spent on the digital interfaces since there are so many. I enjoyed it a lot I’ve been looking forward to understanding the actual measurements of amp to loudspeaker relationship and troubleshooting. K.W.
I really enjoyed how in-depth this course is. M.P.
Very help full course. I’m little new to just sound. It helped me understand a lot. T.M.
I really appreciated the physics explanations regarding the waveform and the explanation of how our ears hear sound logarithmically. I personally like knowing how something works, not just how to make something work. J.B.
Logic sequence is perfect, mac address and ip address are not well stated on quiz. H.I. Thank you. I will have Pat check this out. BB
This was a great course. Very thorough and well explained. It is well outlined. I like how it provides the main points at the beginning of the lesson and provides all the text of the video as well. A.L.
Learning this isn’t easy, and it shouldn’t be. I can tell there’s a lot more going on in the background, theory-wise, so thank you and your team for making this digestable. It’s a requirement for my job at AVISPL. but I wish I found this course work 10 years ago! R.Z.
Great course. Maybe if there were a way to do more interactive labs that be more engaging. J.V.
This may come across as hyperbole, but it’s not. It’s simply the facts:
I had high expectations, and this course exceeded them. There is a lot of material, and it was presented in a manner that was not overwhelming. It is clear that a significant amount of circumspect thoughtfulness went into the development of the course itself – it is one thing to know something and an entirely different thing to be able to effectively teach others that knowledge. Without doubt, Pat Brown knows what he is talking about; after completing this course it is also without doubt that he knows how to share that knowledge. D.D.
I really liked the video demos. M.S.
One of the most in-depth training courses I’ve ever taken – Incredibly information dense. A.T.
The practical demonstration videos were the most helpful. It’s one thing to read something about audio, it’s quite another to hear it. J.D.
Good Videos! K.T.
I thought it was very informative. Easier to follow than some of the XXX courses. J.W.
Very thorough! Thank you for creating this. Audio and acoustics are a passion of mine and I am grateful for your perspective on these topics. Looking forward to more learning and engagement as the technology develops. Thanks! A.B.
I really like that the tests and the exam always have the same questions rather than generating new questions for each attempt. I like to take the first attempt as a gauge to see how much I absorbed from the material and what I need to go back and study more. It is a good indicator of “what do I actually know”. L.P.
Some of the language can come off as confusing. J.L. If you can give us some examples, Pat Brown will gladly review it. This certainly is not our intent.
I really appreciated the outlines provided. Reading through them and then watching the videos was very helpful as well as being able to review the information in an efficient way. Pat’s humor and pleasant way of doing the demos is great. G.L.
The course was very good. I enjoyed it! S.D.
I thought it was very comprehensive. Much better than any XXXX course I’ve taken on audio. S.V.
Really enjoyed the example videos. Using real life examples helps me understand the theory. M.J.
Good at explaining dBV and dBu differences in a brief and understandable way. Love the reference sheet provided. M.M.
It’s amazing how detailed explanation on each subject was and how each lessons are structured. Awesome work! A.T.
Good content. J.B.
I felt the course was really well thought out. The information was presented very well and the demonstrations were useful for seeing theory in practice. There were lots of topics I thought I already had a good grasp on but they were elaborated on and made even easier to understand. I will be taking more courses in the near future. R.H.
I enjoyed taking the course and will go back to material as I feel I can still learn more by studying and repetition. M.B.
This course was so informative and well developed, just wish I’d been able to take it all at once instead of in between busy times at work. M.L.
Great presentation of info, can’t wait for the next course! N.S.
Love the courses so far! C.M.
I loved this course, very in depth and as always very helpful! C.M.
Very thorough, good overall. J.P.
Fun stuff, I really like the SynAudCon format. The animations make the technical jargon make more intuitive sense. This course is one of the more fundamental courses so I was familiar with the basic concepts already but I always forget details so this was a great refresher. E.B.
I had some previous audio knowledge from going to school, but there was definitely a lot here that I had either forgotten or never picked up in school – particularly the basic electricity portion of 100 level. J.C.
Very difficult at times but extremely educational. Could be a college course for sure. B.S.
I have an audio degree from XXX. This was a more put-together and thorough course, helping to easily explain concepts so they make sense while also showing how they all relate. E.T.
It was great. A lot of good knowledge for a person new to the industry and for those who have had experience. J.S.
I would throw in more real life examples in the early chapters as you did with the later chapters, for example, when you constructed the circuit and showed how it performed with the measurement tools in real time. F.W.
This is my first SynAudCon online course. I have enjoyed Pat Brown at Infocomm. While I do prefer the in-person training at Infocomm, the online option was very nice and glad I could go at my own pace. (As time allowed.) J.K.
Huge props for all the detailing, the simplicity, and the overall care that went into the development of each video, graph, chart, and note. I found myself learning a lot more through this than a small handful of other attempts at properly picking up audio, and thanks to your work, it seems to be finally sticking that much more. Hearing when people are passionate about what they teach makes me passionate to learn all the same, and you’ve done a wonderful job of contributing to that enthusiasm and curiosity all the same.
Nevertheless, you all have created a wonderful and engaging online course. I spent the last year and a half or so of my college education absorbing plenty through online classes and none of them have felt as cohesive and well-structured as this. Even if you had a head start on them, you’re maintaining that lead wonderfully. Thank you for all you do, and all you teach. I’m beyond thrilled to receive this knowledge, and I’m sure countless others will be too. J.M.
I feel that the questions asked in the quizzes and exams are far to specific and vague at the same time. They ask for specific answers to the questions that are vague. Having more context to the questions would be greatly helpful in taking them. Also having why something is the correct answer or wrong answer would be immensely helpful. I.M.
It was beneficial as other courses, I have many take-away from this course. J.K.
This is really good. I’m a field engineer for a large AV company and this is all stuff that I know but not to the depth that it was explained in this course. Very useful knowledge for me. J.S.
Subject matter is broken down into manageable sections. G.H.
I’m new to audio (I have a lot of VIDEO, but not audio experience) and was asked to take this course for my job. This was excellent to give me the basic fundamentals I need to succeed in my new position.
The main points for each section have been printed and saved for future reference.
The content was delivered clearly, and at a great pace for me. Everything was easy to understand, and I was able to go back and look at things I didn’t “get’ the first time around.
The hands on demos were extremely helpful for me. I’m certain I will forget a lot of this, but feel the main points will sink in, and I have my points to go back to refer to.
I would definitely recommend this course to anyone that wants to learn the basics to get a good foundation about terminology and fundamentals of audio. P.G.
New to pro audio, so this was a good course for me. R.Y.
It was quite densely packed. Overall, great stuff! E.G.
This is a great course! M.S.
I enjoyed this course. B.G.
This is a great course to learn the basics and fundamentals. D.C.
I loved how simple it was broken down, I also loved that you gave interactive stuff with this course to help further our knowledge of the subjects. C.B.
Really useful information. R.J.
I took a degree in sound engineering and found this course to be a very nice addition, even including some things I was not taught. M.B.
Hiya Brenda, the course was fantastic and reinforced everything I’d been doing for years in sound reinforcement. J.R.
I usually expect to get more out of real-world hands-on applications due to the way I learned, but I found this course greatly helpful with respect to my understanding of a few basic concepts, mainly electricity. J.W.
I appreciate that your tests never seem to be easy — a lot of the questions really made me think hard (and even second-guess myself), which makes me respect SynAudCon even more. To me, if someone does not watch all of the course videos / read all of the presented content and actually retain it / ponder upon the information, he/she will likely not pass the exam (given an 80% pass-mark) — unless they already had sufficient knowledge in the field OR cheat / ask someone else. So, it makes me believe that anyone who has passed, is worth their salt in that material — and that’s a very good thing. It makes me feel more confident in my abilities, after legitimately passing. It’s never good when vendors make their examination / questions too easy, which discredits / devalues that particular certification (in my eyes at least). Thanks SynAudCon. F.S.
Course is awesome! Super informative and helpful for my job. I love the graphics that you guys provide as it helps me visualize before I apply and usually I can apply correctly quicker with it being visualized. M.P.
As always, I love the course layout, designs, transcripts, everything really. The designs and animations are crucial and really make the course stand out from other learning courses. A.C.
It was very thorough, and a good review for an audio engineer grad from MTSU (like myself). K.A.
The course had a ton of great information but it seemed like a lot to take in for 1 course. C.A.
Very detailed and informative. G.A.
Amazing! C.H.
Mr. Brown is poignant and insightful as always. I much prefer his teaching style combining humor with facts and focusing on the important topics without getting into the weeds on a subject. A.T.
In first I’m a non english native speaker, so, not so easy for me, anyway, the course was really interesting to me ! The first thing that’s unstuck in my head was about the standing waves in cables (RF or in digital) due to impedance mismatch or cables lenght… I was always struggling with that … before the course I remember first time I heard about Iwas like “what?? reflexions can occur in wires???…” and even if I was already fluent with reffraction, diffraction or reflexions in acoustics.
In few minutes after watching the first video that’s explain about, the simple examples, the explanations of the impedance matched with input and output to avoid reflexions and the small computation with wavelenght and celerity in the middle helps me A LOT ! It was clear like never before ! G.T.
Brought back memories and brief recollections of classroom books and trainings. Helped recall and relearn many items. J.P.
We get this comment a lot. Our training often brings those principles back to the forefront of your mind. You are at a place in your career where you will find new ways to implement those principles. Brenda Brown
Lots and lots and lots of good and dense information……it can be a lot to take in, but going back to rewatch lessons really does pull it together. The only slight inconvenience I had was finding the different “chapters” covered in each lesson, it’d be nice if when you first clicked on a lesson it would show each chapter included in that lesson, instead of having to click on a video or outline to be able to search through the chapters if you’re looking for a specific piece of information. Otherwise, everything was great. J.P.
Great content. D.O.
The supplemental materials and videos are extremely helpful. My favorite is the use of a 9v battery to determine polarity of a speaker, very cool. P.P.
Very convenient. Can learn at my own pace. Can go back and view the videos many times which I did. But, I took a training in Anaheim many years ago and I miss the opportunity to speak face to face with others with an interest in audio. W.B.
Just wanted to say I was completely oblivious to the level of information inside of these classes. I hold certifications from almost every aspect of the av field and so far, course 100 is by far one of the most informative classes I have ever taken. I am extremely excited to continue through course 300, haven’t felt like that about training in a long time. You will most likely see me progressing through the course relatively fast as I have a lull in my project’s schedules which Is rare so I am taking full advantage of it.
I’ve always heard of “SynAudCon” training within our field but didn’t actually know the extent of the information or the history of the SynAudCon. After going through most of course 100 yesterday and being thoroughly impressed, I decided to look up the history of SynAudCon. Just wanted to say thank you to yourself and Pat for 1) providing this level of information to our industry, we really need it and 2) Taking the reins from the former owners to continue passing the years of collective knowledge down to the younger generations like myself.
I will be definitely be recommending these classes all my colleagues who have not yet attended . Thanks again to the SynAudCon team! N.J.
Great content and I learned a lot. J.S.
Very thorough – put into theory all lot of the stuff I’ve been doing all my life. J.R.
The concepts discussed in this course flowed well throughout, from basic to a bit more advanced, everything covered was informative and relatable. It will really help when speaking with designers, engineers “commissioning specialists”. A.B.
Simple and straight forward. M. A.
It was useful. L.J.
The course was excellent, very in depth, good illustrations, and clearly explained. I can’t think of a way to make it better. S.N.
A HUUUGE jump from “course 50” A lot of important knowledge given. It great that we are able to print out the lesson. It helps me a lot with retaining information and referencing throughout the course. K.L.
No just keep doing the great job your doing. I like how this course give you all audio and the word by word print outs this really help me on getting thru the course. T.H.
Very reminiscent of what I learned in college, just a different format. E.F.
Lots of information to take in. I can relate it on what I do at my job. Z.W.
This course was definitely a lot of information, but I am excited to put them to use. Thank you!
I think the course was very well put together. The content matched the questions. Some of the information was just my speed, some was a bit more challenging. B.M.
The videos are great, but I would like to see more examples. T.N.
The attention to detail was what stood out to me. It went even deeper than I thought It would. The learning format with the main points and note outlines before the videos was nice I thought as well. D.F.
Yes, “doing them” is definitely key! I ran into the office and grabbed my Fluke 287 multimeter and plan to start trying to capture different readings from some of my gear. C.F
Thought the class was well put together. Some of the items went over my head, which was personally frustrating. It was possibly a side effect of Pat trying to condense such immense topics into bite-sized pieces or possibly just my lacking knowledge base when it comes to sound. Very interesting nonetheless and I hope I can build on this info better at work with enough exposure. T.P.
I enjoyed this course and it was very informational. The test questions can be a bit confusing at times, especially if a graphic was used.
Overall it I would give it a 9.99/10 only because some of the quiz/test questions were posed in a slightly confusing way.
The material ahead of each course, all the videos and the demonstration videos were incredibly well done. You may want to make the optional videos mandatory, they were very helpful in concluding each course. P.D.
Great Course. D.Y.
As usual, very informative, love the demos! C.G.
I enjoyed the course it is a challenge and a fun topic. T.S.
Good course, quick brush up on basics principles of audio. B.S.
I did enjoy the course and found it very thorough and helpful. I will definitely be doing more of the online training you offer. J.R.
Tough but fair. J.C.
As a guy with a Masters in EE, I am really impressed with how Pat teaches audio basics. He provides solid theory but only just enough math to illuminate the physics. Very comfortable for the non-degreed. W.B.
Tough course. M.D.
I find your use of videos and printed materials helpful to my style of learning. I really wish I could take your classes in person. C.M.
I must say, I am loving the updated course 100! It is taking me a long time to get through the course, I apologize for not being able to finish it quickly, but I really want to make sure the lessons sticks. D.F.
“Loved all parts of this course. I feel that the suggestions right from the very beginning of the course set you up for success by encouraging the learner to print out the Main Points of each section and to take hand written notes. This is a great connection for humans to not forget in the digital age we live in.” C.T.
I enjoy hearing and seeing instruction with course material and video with real life examples. D.B.
All the material is great. G.L.
The content was very coherent and easy to understand. S.L.
I thoroughly enjoyed this training course. The material is presented in a thoughtful and intelligent manner with many of the concepts being presented in ways I have not experienced before. Pat’s delivery is great, the pacing and clarity is excellent. The printable class materials are very well done. Bravo and thank you! B.S.
Thank you for the awesome audio training, I’ve learned a lot. ? M.B.
“I appreciated the flexibility of being able to extend the end date for the course.” B.R.
It was good. F.B.
I have been enjoying the training immensely and looking forward to finishing the course. B.S.
It is great course and lots of information. M.A.
Overall, this course help me to be familiar with a lot of tool sets and terminologies. Q.T.
I enjoyed the course very much. It went into much more detail than I expected or what I was looking for, but it was well put together and easy to follow. B. V.
This course gave me a lot more clarity on the different terms and applications of audio systems. I had always heard terms like “impedance” and “resistance” thrown around, but now it makes sense in my head as to what they do. J.K
This was a great course! E.H.
“As always- great stuff- it’s a pleasure having it all so carefully laid out.” G.P.
I feel as though the material in this course was spot on to knowledge necessary out of the field. K.A.
“I really liked the different formats of the information. The bullet points, pictures, detailed word for word as well as the videos.” N.B
I really enjoyed the examples and practical demonstrations. I’ll definitely have to stress to any of my coworkers that take this material in the future to have a pair of stereo headphones. J.A.
I really enjoyed this course! very in depth and not confusing. B.R.
Excellent course for learning basics. I thought I would know everything and it would be boring to take this course. But, the videos/graphics/animations kept it engaging and I actually did learn quite a few things I always just accepted without knowing why. A.S.
“I love these courses and I always learn. It let people clarify concepts and be better pacers in our market. There are few availabilities of this kind of courses in the world and I believe the way and easy you do it make this course unique. Thank you” D.Q.
Overall, the information was very clear d easy to follow. I prefer an in-person format, as I find the interaction better for my learning style. However, I did find it very useful to be able to repeat the videos as many times as needed. C.M
I really enjoyed this course – I think it filled a lot of holes in my audio knowledge. I’ve taken several different audio trainings from different manufacturers, but this one was the most manufacturer independent and focused solely on improving my fundamental audio knowledge! I thought the analogies were fantastic. It really helped connect the dots. I also like the smattering of joke answers in the quiz yourself sections! Made my day. Thank you so much for this course! T.H.
Good for the beginner to learn the basic audio system. D.F.
I really enjoy the material, and SynAudCon does a great job going in depth over a lot of material. B.P.
Excellent course! A.M.
There was a lot of info but it was presented well. C.S.
Overall, I really enjoyed the course, and it really gave me a refresher on some material that I honestly have not studied in years. B.S.
It was great and informative. The chosen topics/areas covered were perfectly chosen. Each section was properly covered; not too much, but enough information. The reading material placed 1st then followed by the great, simple videos worked great, especially with the illustrations. J.S.
I think the course is a very good introduction to the large field of audio/acoustics. I don’t have much in the way of suggestions but I am looking forward to the more advanced, in-depth courses. T.M.
Thanks so much for the help over the past few weeks. I really enjoyed the course. T.C.
It is a very good course. R.P.
The part that affect me the most is the impedance part of the source and the loudspeaker. I had trouble understanding it, now it is clear to me . T.Y.
I really enjoyed having supporting material to view. D.C.
I enjoyed the course. I thought it was well put together. Well done! J.D.
I liked the pace and information. W.P.
Hope this email finds you well. Thank you so much for your support for the last training it really helped in giving me the confidence within this competitive industry. J.D.
Really loved seeing a cow turned into a hamburger when too much voltage was applied. Funny graphics. R. S.
The video clips are a good length and cut off at a good time before the next subject starts. D.K.
I really enjoyed the course! Maybe a little more interactivity while you are going through the lessons besides the quizzes and test at the end. M.B.
I enjoyed the refresher on impedance. D.B.
I definitely will be getting into some of the other courses. W.B.
Course 100 was really good, so much stuff in there that cleared up many questions. K.S.
Keep up the good training, they are awesome. Even the ones I take as a refresher I still learn something new. J.V.
Great visuals. C.C.
Could have more questions for the final exam. I really enjoyed the graphics in the videos! The videos are short and easy to follow. A.P.
I find the content to be helpful and the explanations to be clear, both of which I appreciate very much. A.H.
In all my years at my company, I have taken a lot of different training classes, so far these are the best. R.S.
I’ve found that reading the course overview first and then watching the video with the illustrations is a really excellent way to absorb the material and this is coming from a person who does not consider herself all that great at technical and mathematical retention. It seems that if I graph something out or write an equation it makes a lot more sense than trying to convey meaning using the English language and I’m interested to strengthen my skills at technical sketching to compensate for this. E.W.
The content was great, appreciated the pdf, and printable lesson notes. N.S.
The learning process was very easy. it is a very elaborate course and easy to follow. D.V.
I love the work you’ve done! The courses have been helpful in my new role. I look forward to taking more. S.A.
Principles of Audio was a great follow up to How Sound Systems Work. The content and videos are fantastic. The ability to read, watch the videos and quiz yourself multiple times helped give me a better understanding of the material. I will continue to go over the material when time permits until the course expires. S.S.
Good Course. Learned a lot. D.T.
I really enjoy the reinforcement style of the lessons, first reading then listening. D.S.
It is great! It would be nice to have a system where an incorrect answer on a quiz reveals an explanation after grading. I have seen this in other online quizzes. C.W.
Very informative with lots of good information. I like to think i know the basic principles of audio systems but this was a good refresher course for me personally. J.L.
Good course. I learned more about speakers than I have known in the past. J.H.
I was intrigued about the principles and hopefully this will help me get better in the audio visual field. D.V.
This course has help me to understand how the system component and environment react together. A.O.
Overall, the course was a really good overview of audio basics. As someone with a fair amount of experience with audio topics, and who is a HW engineer at an audio company, much of the material was familiar. But still, there were some gaps that this course filled- especially loudspeaker and acoustics topics.
I liked taking the course online, because it was easy to fit into my work day, and because it was easy to start and stop, replay a section, etc. Sometimes I would pause the course, do some thinking or some math, and then start it again.
It would be nice to be able to download the course pdfs all together- maybe in one zip file or something like that. S.L.
This was a very informative course thank you! D.K.
This course is very thorough which is great but can become intimidating at some points. The definitions list in the beginning of each unit are helpful when tackling the subject matter. R.G.
I’ve (finally) been able to dig into the courses – they’re super interesting and helpful! It’s great to begin to understand what things mean when they’re mentioned around the office. A.C.
“There is a lot of repetitive topics within individual sections as well as through the whole program.” M.M. Pat Brown sometimes brings the principle up again but from a different angle. Oftentimes, a different approach to explaining it brings clarity. Brenda Brown
I thought the material was well put together. C.T.
All is good, clear explanation but some of the examples are made too layman. E.S.
Oh and by the way, awesome job making this training course. I’m actually a commercial airplane pilot by trade, and this is one of the best, most organized, comprehension targeting training I have ever experienced. Nice job to everyone there. C.H.
This course is great and the time you give to finish is good but sometimes working and training at the same time can be hard. The contractors that I have worked that come in and fine tune the systems after they are installed have all recommended this course. P.G.
Appreciate the use of graphics/animations and audio to facilitate learning. Suggestion would be to intersperse questions or interactive activities throughout the course material. D Y.
Very much enjoyed the course. Appreciate the explanations of basic electricity principles. R.L.
I could be mistaken, but it seems to me that some of the questions on the exam were not covered in the material. One question that comes to mind was about the minimum recommended input to a mixer being -60 dB. While I got the answer correct because I am experienced and taking the course as a refresher, I do not recall that specific information being covered in the course. M.M.
In the real-world of audio, you have to be able to reason your way through a problem. That is the process that Pat hopes to teach through this course. Some of the exam questions required reasoning but the principles were covered. Brenda Brown
This was a great course. D.F.
It was very detailed I like it. J.C.
Liked the illustrations. T.G.
I think the material is presented in an easy to digest format, even so I felt a little mentally exhausted towards the end and took another day to review and fully let the info sink in. I re-took the final exam the following day and had a much better score. Maybe a suggestion to take a day after the final video. J.G.
Good course that covers a lot of material. It provides a good coverage of essential audio knowledge. G.S.
I really enjoyed the course it was well put together. S.D.
I absolutely LOVED this course and cannot wait to take the level 200 and 300 courses! Great job with developing the material, and the funny graphics kept me engaged. The only thing I would change is to include all of the graphics in the supplemental graphics PDFs. I found myself doing screen shots of the other graphics and copying them to a Word doc for future reference, since the graphics were very helpful learning tools.
Please keep up the great work with your courses. I’ve loved music and audio technology for decades, and this course was both a great refresher, and also filled in some major gaps that I had in my audio knowledge. This course was both humbling and exciting. Thank you! T.M
I thought this required a little more attention than the previous course I had. Most particularly due to a more in-depth look at sound systems, and the involvement of math and electricity. The course overall had more important information. J.P.
I have been working on my CTS renewal for a while now and the quality of SynAudCon
courses stands out well above most online courses I’ve taken. Keep up the good work. P.E.
I am going to go through the course again. It contained a lot of information I’ve been wanting to know. I’ve been working with audio/video for the past 9 years & had worked with much of the equipment & scenarios shown in your course.
It is good to know “why” things work “how” they do – rather just doing it because I was told. S.N
Good Course! D.G.
Course was great. Easy to follow. The breaks in each video were just long enough to grasp the understanding of the concepts shown. T.N.
The course is very helpful and useful for technicians to learn more about audio and components that we use in the field. D.H.
This course is very informative and educational. B.F.
I should have taken these before CTS. This information would have helped me on it. D.M.
Decent overview. Bit too in depth on some things, but overall good foundations. A.F.
Enjoyed getting deeper into audio. R. G.
I’m really loving these courses so much knowledge I had never thought to look for. D.M
I loved the training in an online format. I tend to learn the most by rewinding and being able to refer back to previous content.
Thanks for providing this great resource! J.M.
I think I took Principles of Audio thru SynAudCon. Well worth it, especially for those of us who lack a basic Sound 101 background. B.D.
I thought the information was informative and definitely worth the coursework and time. I felt there was a lot to learn and based on a few relearning situations and review of the material I felt confident in the material. T. C.
The training depth and time to complete the course is a great match for the cost of the course. K.G.
I like this format very much. B.W.
I thought it was quite thorough and had fun comical additions that keep the viewer engaged. I really enjoy the length of the videos, they seem appropriate for the average attention span. I’m not sure I have anything truly productive to suggest. I personally enjoyed the classes and learned quite a bit of information on topics I was already comfortable in. You do a fantastic job of breaking down each section that allows the student to really learn and grasp the section being discussed. I look forward to more courses. C.M.
This course was very thorough. The decibel section is quite overwhelming, but I just reread and watched the videos multiple times. J.T.
I thought all the info was good and expanded on what I already knew. P.A.
I really enjoyed the material and look forward to future courses. C. M.
Course was easy to follow and progressed at a good pace. L.W.
I’m sure the rest of my team will be using this training as it’s very beneficial and a great refresh. Very well covered and like the idea of repeat learning. M.B.
I enjoyed the explanations with visuals, they really helped me grasp the concepts. However, the some of the questions were worded in ways that led me to misinterpret what it was actually asking. C.C.
I will forward you comment to Pat Brown, the developer of the training. I know one of his goals through the questions is to help you reason – because reasoning skills are especially important when it comes to troubleshooting. Brenda Brown
As meticulous as it may be I would like there to be more in depth explanations on the formulas. I felt like if I didn’t have an exceptionally strong backing in math (and I know I’m strong in math when I can wrap my head around it) that none of the formulas made any sense. It felt similar to someone showing you how to paint a Mona Lisa in “3 easy steps” which would obviously take hundreds of steps. I appreciate the ability this course has to be concise and quick about things, but those parts I feel need to have more time devoted to how and why they work and may be relevant to my every day work as an Audio/Visual Installer. J.S
I like the online classes your company has with the trainer explaining things and I can look over the printed version at the same time. That seems to be the best way for me to learn is to hear and see what is being presented instead of just reading it myself. P.N.
Some of the test questions could be a bit more clear. Just like you like to say, almost everything in audio “just depends” some of the questions can fall victim to this. Now for a large majority you have done a great job of being specific and maybe I am over analyzing the situations presented but I missed some questions due to either over-analyzing or circumstantial basis.
I came into these classes with a pretty heavy knowledge in the topics being covered but I listened to instructions and followed the curriculum strictly because audio can be taught very differently. Learning these similar concepts through different instructors can be beneficial due to use of different terminology.
Overall I thought this course provided adequate instructions to understanding audio. D.A.
The presentation is good. Furthermore, topics are well discuss, even though I would like to see more video for demonstration still I find it excellent. B. DA.
Nice course and very easy to follow along. Great video presentations definitely assisted in wrapping my head around some of the more difficult concepts. M.P.
Another great an very informative class! Thank you! W.H.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
You don’t understand how much this is a big push on to the next step for me! I have always had a passion for AV, but there was a lot that was still grey to me until now! I am grateful for the opportunity you guys have paved and only have great things to say! G.M. Took Course 50, 100 and 200.
Good course, lots of great information. N.C.
Great course. Easy to navigate. D.R.
I can take the training at my own pace. This is great for busy schedule. R.C.
It was a thorough and in-depth course. M.G.
I think its one of the best training. N.B.
As mentioned in your videos before. I knew this stuff. I just had no idea I needed a refresher coarse to remind me of things I have just put in to practice out of habit. Often times now when leading, one of my team members may ask while they are doing an install. Maybe hanging speakers lets say. How do you want this boxes hung and pointed. I get up a review of the room. Make mental calculations and say,”Hang it like this”. The follow-up questions from the techs who care ask. Why did you pick that angle? I normally say. I been doing this forever. I am normally too busy to explain myself. Now I can point them to these classes. It not only helps develop the tech. It help me in field when some else knows these fundamentals. Then I can have a person to bounce ideas off of. And speak the same language. Cool stuff. Thanks! M.O
The graphics were very helpful and the presentation was very thoughtfully laid out in good chunks at a time. L.C
Wonderful course. Very informative. I am really enjoying these courses. A. H.
No complaints. Great work. C.E.
The “real world” examples definitely made things easier to understand. Color coding portions of equations was helpful as well because math doesn’t come easily for me. The great thing about this being online is I can watch the videos as many times as needed until I finally get it. This was a great course! M.E.
This was a lot of information to synthesize in one course and it was done very well. I think some optional activities like solving for SPL or some equations with the inverse square would be helpful. N.B. Great Suggestion. Pat will be adding some examples of this in the course. B.B
Excellent course. I printed all the lessons, but having the slides print as well as the text would be helpful. Seeing the pictures discussed helps. K.P.
Thank you Brenda and team for the great content. I definitely want to complete all the online courses available to me. Can’t wait to start them in the new year. S.V.
These courses certainly help me further my education in the audio field which is where my passion lies! J.M.
The course is well put together and presented. While some of the quiz answers could be interpreted differently, the overall course gave me a different perspective and showed me areas that I thought I knew well but really needed help with. K.W.
These courses are very well constructed and interesting for me, coming from a live audio background. Looking forward to working my way through more of the courses! M.W.
I got more out of it than I thought I would. It was hard but not too hard. C.S.
I like that the main text is available as a PDF as well, I find that reading that and then watching the video as a review helps get the concepts down well. C.N.
I thought it was a good training exercise. I.S.
The course is great. Maybe a little more depth on the basic electronics – I am a little weak in this area.
I think that the analogies are great. The take away is that I am learning and discovering new information in audio. G.W.
I noticed that some test questions seemed to be applied a little beyond the presentation. If I had not worked with some of this in real life I would have likely not had the ability to draw relatable conclusions. That’s not a complaint, however, because it’s needed to stretch. As it stood, I was challenged and it produced so many gaps in my understanding being closed. Very well done. Thank you. J.P John, you described it well. The quiz questions are another learning tool to help you reason so you can enhance your troubleshooting skills. The quiz scores to not count towards your final grade. Brenda Brown
I really enjoyed the course. I liked the animations. The course was very engaging. I have taken a lot of industry courses and they are pretty boring. The final exam was a good challenge. The information is not spoon fed and taught for the exam. You really have to dig deep and figure out the answer from the course material. H.H.
I initially thought the price was high for an online training course, but it is really packed with good information and now feel the price is appropriate. I have been doing sound for 17 years and there were several things that I learned, or had presented in a much more understandable way. It was like taking a condensed college course! C.S.
Great course. Loved the material covered. M.R.
I have done other audio courses on line and this is the most helpful in understanding the AV field. K.V.
I’d love some more explanation on the electrical side of this course. I don’t have an electrical background and some of the topics discussed are still a little bit fuzzy to me. G.A.
This course was very informative and challenging for me. I really enjoyed the material and will but a large percentage of it to good use. D.K.
This online course should be nationally certified.
This online course should be nationally certified and be a specified requirement for anyone doing professional audio work. This was a challenge and I really enjoyed it. I have to say this course is one of the few I’ve taken that really emphasizes application of the theory. Memorization is fine, but not everyone knows how to apply what they learn. The quizzes and final test definitely make sure you can apply the material to real-world situations. I’ve had a rough time finding good resources to educate myself in this field ..until now.
I learned a lot from this course and I’m looking forward to the next level. Extremely well done!
Mark Balthis, Koorsen Fire & Security
Explained the best.
I thought this course was packed with useful information essential to the AV field, and explained the best I have heard / read so far.
Jared Menard
Graduate of How Sound Systems Work and Principles of Audio
Helped my troubleshooting skills.
This online training helped me with my trouble shooting skills and gave me a better understanding of the systems. Very good course.
Stephen Smith, AVI-SPL
Thank you so much for been part of my story.
Thank you so much for been part of my story. I can never quantify the amount information and knowledge that I have added since I started the training.
I am looking forward to starting Course 200 immediately?
Thank you so much
I enjoyed learning the why .
I enjoyed learning “the why”. This will help me eliminate problems from the start.
I just finished the Principles of Audio online training. Lots of stuff I already knew but presented in a way that was the more concise than I could have ever thought of. There were also information that I just simply didn’t know or misunderstood.
WAY smart dudes.
Eric Myers
Explained in a simple way.
Having the ability to play the videos over as many times as I need is nice. I liked that everything is explained in a simple way and it doesn’t become overly complicated trying to cover every term of phrase for everything (ex. Ground vs Common vs Neutral vs Cold). Yes there are differences but you don’t spend time getting hung up on technical differences and just get down to the facts that we need to learn. I also like that I was not intimidated by being forced to remember every equation and math problem out there to pass this course. It’s the fundamentals that are retained and doesn’t take me back to math class in high school.
Christopher Rhoads
Favorite online training platforms
Very informative training. This is one of my favorite online training platforms. Thank You!
E. Willis
It took me to a deeper level.
I really enjoyed the course and learned things I thought I already knew! Things like terms I’ve used and thought I understood but not to the extent it was explained in the course.
D. Cook