With respect to their privacy, we will only list their initials.
The course was very informative and provided great insight into the fundamentals of audio. D.P.
I like the detailing of the each section which was given. J.G.
It is a great course breaks audio down to everyday ideas instead of the complicated scientific meanings that are in this field, I think this is a great way of teaching because it gives people the way of relating the information with real life things. B.L.
Always enjoy these. It is not just click-through material. M.M.
Awesome! Loved the explanations and learned more in-depth explanations of ideas I generally understood. J.K.
Very well paced for the amount of information in the course. J.W.
Course was good. It showed a lot. Could possible be divided into to courses at a reduced rate for newer people. J.P.
It was excellent especially with the rotating Mics and Loudspeakers videos! D.T.
Practical Applications: The focus on real-world scenarios and practical applications helps learners understand how to apply the knowledge in various settings, such as live sound, recording, and troubleshooting. Y.Y.
Deep understanding from the trainer with simplest and subtle way of explanations. R.M.
It was very informative and presented not in a boring way. H.G.
Very well structured and completely understandable. I believe that its covering all the basics about how sound systems work. A.S.
I appreciate all the information and the format. G.R.
Good overall. Very good demonstrations. Nice use of real world scenarios. C.C.
Point Source was very helpful. Loved learning regarding the different laws. H.L.
The course was highly informative, and I appreciated the presentation format. It was well-structured and engaging. P.N.
Great course and very informative. B.P.
This helped me brush up on some lost information. A.R.
Great Course. J.B.
Course was interesting. I was able to refresh a lot of the audio knowledge that I learned a few years ago. D.M.
As a newbie in the domain, starting from course 050 has been a great help to step into the new expertise. S.P.
I enjoyed the course. It was not as long as I thought it would be. There were many things I considered basic before taking the course but after taking the course I learned that I was misinformed. I will carry over this information to my workplace and be able to explain to my peers the correct way of doing things and most importantly the why it must be done this way. A.G.
Awesome course. Really helped out with fundamentals. J.C.
I really enjoyed the visuals in the video as Pat was teaching the lessons. I think it would be greatly beneficial is some of the diagrams and pictures were added to the pdf notes outline to better follow along. The visuals also helped me retain more of the information as the lessons were taught. A.S.
Loved it, Very good explanations. D.R.
Good! J.F.
I didn’t feel fully prepared for the test at the end, questions were more in depth than what was glazed over in the videos. B.C. Some questions require that you apply more than one principle that was presented. That is Pat’s goal for this course is for you to understand the material well enough to be able to apply the principles taught. Brenda Brown
The course is definitely a good start for beginners. It covers a wide range of information for the novice tech to learn. A.J.
It was informative and I enjoyed the PDFs and videos. It was nice to be able to read the information and watch the video. I enjoyed how the information was presented in the videos. J.S.
I think it was informative. M.U.
I thought this course was great. I found that although I already had a good bit on knowledge on sound systems, the course really helped fill in some gaps I was unaware of. The material was clearcut and framed in a way that just made sense. I will gladly recommend this course to others in the field.
My companies CEO signed me up for this course to see if it would be worth incorporating in our training outline. He took the in person version and had great things to say. Safe to say this course will be going on that outline. C.N.
Enjoyed the course, liked how you provided the information with both narrative & images/videos/demos. B.M.
I enjoyed it. The pacing was nice, the content wasn’t taking too much shortcuts, it connected what I knew already with what I didn’t. It explained what I knew “how it works” with “why it works that way”. All around pretty nice. The videos with real speakers and mics examples were especially fine. I missed an example with connecting and using mixer. M.H.
The course is well laid out. Some courses ask what seems to be trick questions, not this one. J.G.
It was clear, I appreciated lot of summarizing in the course. L.S.
This course was well-written in my opinion. As someone who is not very fluent in English, I appreciated the text part for clarifying some terms. The course explained some meanings that were not clear to me and reminded me of the time when I helped build sound equipment and didn’t know what it was for and why it was used. R.B.
A bit more Practical demonstrations of this courses. D.B.
I have worked in the field installing AV for just over 2 years. I believe your course has helped me to be more articulate with accurate vocabulary, Bein able to explain the reasons for what we do. It also helped me grow in setting a system EQ, and the best practices for it. As well as understanding the way design teams come up with the final product using math and knowledge of every devices function. L.H.
It was nice I like the guitar at the start of each lesson. Images are very straight and to the point. R.J.
Pats ability to break things down into simple concepts is 2nd to none in our industry. Making the content relatable in everyday life makes it THAT much more digestible. J.C.
It was a review for me to some degree but it also was very thorough and informative.It was a review for me to some degree but it also was very thorough and informative. C.C.
Good Content. N.D.
Downloadable study guides were helpful for note comparison. B.C.
High quality content, not too long. A good surface level coverage. C.W.
The course was informative and easy to follow. Exam was picture focused and engaging to the mind. G.M.
This was a good course. I learned a lot of quality information for basic understanding of sound systems. I thought it was well organized and provided good examples. D.C.
I really appreciated the demos at the ends of the sections that had them. It helped to bring the concepts together for me. C.S.
Overall, it was good some of the videos could be a bit long to maintain focus. C.D.
There are a lot of learnings, was amazing to remember many things that I studied at school, however the final exam has not all the main topics mentioned in the course. A.G. On the final exam, Pat often takes a couple principles as ask that you apply them. He usually does not take questions from the quizzes. Brenda Brown
This is helping to understand the flow of audio. B.R.
I thought it was a great overview. A.R.
It was amazing.
I like the way of evaluation as part of each section. A.B.
I liked the way it is laid out. Enjoyed the course as a refresher. C.W.
I thought the videos did an excellent job of representing the speaker. J.M.
Good Training! I’ve gained more knowledge. P.S.
I forgot to mention how much I love the format of the course. The videos, explanations and the terms are fantastic! Looking forward to course 100! S.M.
It’s good course. N.L.
Very Beneficial! W.P.
Very concise, almost too concise. I know this is an introductory course, but it brushes on so many topics I wish to have at least a basic understanding of before continuing. F.C.
This is a really good and in depth course.E.V.
Very easy to understand and the videos where entertaining and not monotone. H.A.
It is a good course. N.S.
The information is very good for beginners. Some of the questions on the quizzes and test could be worded better. N.P.
Great basic course! Even as an intermediate engineer I’ve enjoyed this. H.L.
It’s good but a lot to take in for someone new to pro audio. even with 20 year of residential AV under my belt. A.G.
I have been in the industry for over 20 years, and I found this course as a nice refresher as well as teaching me things that I didn’t know. M.S.
I enjoyed all the demonstrations they really helped with retaining the information. K.L.
I liked how in depth the explanations were and how easy it was to follow along. N.F.
I learned from it but I feel like some of the things on the test were never mentioned in the study. D.D.
Some of the exam questions require that you apply the principles – sometimes more than one principle. Brenda Brown
This was well thought out and presented well. I think it is helpful to read the text as well as the videos. There were a couple places that the text didn’t make sense until I could visualize it on the video. J.H.
It was beginner friendly. A good way to get started and begin to understand audio systems that isn’t so difficult that I’d give up. L.K.
In hindsight, your course is the most comprehensive course one in the market. Oh I thought it was just fantastic. My understanding of audio concepts have increased and will help me to strengthen my sales position with clients. S.S.
Informative but easily digestible. F.M.
Good course. I liked that all the learning was all video or example based. B.M.
This course was difficult but very helpful for understanding audio. B.M.
It has more technical questions than the provided knowledge during the course. S.P.
On the final exam, some of the questions require that you apply a principle or two to get the answer. Our goal is for the learner to understand the principles well enough to apply them in their workplace. Brenda Brown
Very good and informative even for this 30-year veteran. J.S.
The training is fun, exciting, interesting and mostly additional knowledge about sound. E.A.
It was very helpful and very clear. It is recommended to new audio techs at our company. A.F.
I liked this course, good introduction to Audio. J.M.
This was a great overview. I learned plenty of new things, but also was able to gain more knowledge of the science and specifics behind equipment and practices I already use. B.T.
This course did teach me a lot. It didn’t come off as a boring class that you just took notes through. I could see myself using all the information in the course through my job in the future. S.V.
I was impressed with both the video and outline material provided for this course. I am both a visual and audio learner, so this a benefit to all learning styles. C.M.
Very well thought out and detailed. I’ve been in the AV industry for 20+ years and still learned quite a few things from this entry level course. J.S.
Engaging, fun, informative, professional. Enjoyed it more than XX for what that’s worth, but I also already knew more about this one given my background so that could be a factor there. J.L.
I enjoyed the format and order in which it was presented. C.S.
Overall Good Course, Informational and Educational Yet Not Boring. M.F.
Very solid explanations of the fundamentals. N.B.
I thought this course was really well done! J.R.
Interesting training and very well explained with simple terms. It lays out the specificities and make us understand better how it all works. B.D.
Awesome! R.C.
It was quite good experience. Favorite part was the exam. P.T.
The course was clear, helpful and very practical – thank you! P.C.
This course is well presented and easy to understand. C.G.
Course 50 – this was very helpful. Nothing bad to say. E.W.
Was very in depth and helped set a good foundation. T.K.
You guys did a very good job making things make sense. E.S.
The lessons were very informative, and information filled which was a huge benefit. I learned a lot more about the industry I’ve been working in for years after taking your course. A.E.
I actually like SynAudCon, program is clear and works well compared to other large AV training programs I have done like XX and XX. O.D.
Awesome course! D.C.
Great Course! J.W.
Great course! Covers a lot for an introductory course. W.M.
The course was a great way to go over the basics. All in all, I would have liked more formula. X.Z.
Loved the reading then videos. I appreciate the test style where retake only does the missed questions. Great value of time. C.B.
It went really well! M.W.
There is not much else I can say. You guys nailed this. M.R.
The course is very nice and the way to teach is awesome. T.S.
I am in sound field for years, but this course really refresh me and gave me new insight about how to implement it in my work. Big thanks for you and Pat. Y.M.
It was a great starting course even for someone who has been in the AV industry. T.B.
Great help to someone who does not have a background in audio. D.W.
More interactive please. C.M.
I liked it. Covers all the important BASICS. With practical examples and so on.
For me it’s helpful to learn English expressions, because I also give seminars in English in Europe. S.H.
It is a very good in-depth beginner course. It throws a lot of knowledge and information to even someone that has years of experience under their belt in the AV industry. Can’t wait to see what the more in depth and technical courses have to offer. F.A.
It was really informative but not overwhelming. G.K.
Great course, I learned a lot. The grammar and tone of the instructor was great. I think on the very last couple of videos reviewing the course, there were some topics I either didn’t recall or were never talked about in the middle of the course. J.E.
It was very beneficial and informative! C.P.
I think this was an easily consumed information rich foundational audio course. I didn’t expect to learn as much as I did. C.H.
The learning materials was helpful, the course enhance my understanding and i feel better equipped. The course content was relevant and insightful, and it did cover the topics I was expecting. K.A.
I studied the course material before watching the videos, the videos were great and really helped tie it together for me. B.G.
Excellent introductory course. I would recommend this to anyone getting into any industry where dealing with audio. N.S.
The quizzes are great but may questions be more final exam orientitated.
Good Training! G.C.
It was great! It was a great start to the audio part of working at my new career choice. P.S.
The course was very helpful for understanding the fundamentals. I really enjoyed the practical demos of speaker directivity and microphone pickup placement. Even though I have been in the industry for about 6 years, there are definitely new things that I’ve picked up that have made me a better A/V professional. B.B.
Disclaimer: I am a visual learner and used headphones for this training.
Loved the imagery used to help explain the concepts, some topics had less and I think those were harder to digest.
Please get subtitles. Statements were said with diagrams that I had to go back and re-listen multiple times to understand. If I could pause the video and read what you said at the same time as looking at the diagram, I would have made the connections faster and clearer. J.R.
The training course has a great selection of subjects to choose from. The material is very informational and has help me add new skills to my audio work duties. J.F.
It’s good information. M.K.
I really appreciate the format of this class and your awesome suggestions. As a visual learner, I read the text before watching the videos and added notes as I went. Such a simple perfect format!
All the awesome visuals are greatly appreciated!!
Also, I really like the testing format. The retest focused my attention on the content that I needed to review a little more.
For the sequential learners of the world, you might want to add a little video about how electricity works…at the beginning of this course. When I studied the CTS book, I couldn’t believe that the electrical chapter came after the audio and video chapters.
Can’t say enough nice things about this course!! I’m definitely telling others it’s worth the money and plan to take more of your classes.
Thank you for giving me confidence in an area that I’ve struggled with. E.A.
The high gain sound effect hurt my ear other than that, great course. C.V.
Fantastic! A.G.
Flow seemed good. It was a bit cumbersome to keep hitting play, but I understand wanting to break the content up. S.G. At one time the videos were much longer. We shorten them to make the material more bite size pieces. Brenda Brown
The course is well laid out and I was given every opportunity to learn all the necessary parts to help me in my job. It was very interesting and very easy to understand. R.M.
This was really well done and a lot deeper than I thought it was going to be for an entry level course. D.K.
Training was very educational for me. Learned a lot on practical part. J.T.
I think that the text is very well written and the images, schemes are very helpful. The Demo videos are extremely useful. I believe a transcription of the “putting it all together” videos would be a good addition. J.G.
The videos were a little bland but seemed to get the info across well. S.L.
Very concise and informative. S.C.
I really liked the bite-sized videos and the demos. I thought that the concepts were easy to follow and understand. I wished Pat talked a little bit faster, but that’s what the playback speed option is for. J.A.
Great course. I have swiss-cheese knowledge so this helped fill in those gaps. A.B.
The course is very well developed. Is clear and easy to understand. All the principles and concepts are well described. A.D.
This course is AMAZING. I’ve been attempting to teach myself audio for months. This course taught me more applicable real world knowledge than anything else I’ve attempted! Not only that, but I retained the information far better than other sources. J.G.
Great course, a must do for all techs dealing with audio systems. Great to brush up on the basics too. A.P.
Sometimes the questions were a little bit confusing but overall the course was great. R.L.
Well organized and easy to understand. K.T.
The end test is so far different from the rest of the tests. I think they should be more similar. E.R. The final exam requires you to apply the principles presented in the course. Brenda Brown
The video Demo were the best. D.G
I have worked on audio systems for about 30 years. Taking this course has allowed me to have more of an understanding of the internal workings and terminology. D.G.
Very good audio course. Explanations are clear to understand and visual part is great. V.D.
Not enough visual aids as related to the final quiz. K.M.
I took this course as a refresher course. I went to school at the Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences. It was a great refresher course! But the introduction of even more fundamental elements of audio – the concept of air compression and rarefaction, or the exact relationship between acoustics and AC voltage in particular, really opened my eyes when I was at school with how magical audio really is. How the electromagnetic principle states that a magnet induces AC voltage when a coil of wire moves back and forth around it, and that coil is being moved by the compression and rarefaction in the air – when all that connected I was blown away. And I missed that in this course!
This is just me though. I always struggle with understanding big concepts until I get that fine-detail fundamentals, and the rest builds from there. All in all I felt this course was a great intro to audio and acoustics. A.S.
I think if the sectional quizzes were harder the final exam wouldn’t be as difficult. J.L.
Love the clip art, Pat is very clear and concise. The pace is pretty much perfect. L.F.
Overall I thought that the course was well structured and detailed. My only suggestion is that you add diagrams to the lesson outlines for the videos. The videos were great, but I wish I could see the diagrams referenced in the text transcription. A.G.
Was very helpful! K.M.
Really enjoyed the course, very informative, well put together, good accompanying documentation. E.L.
My favorite parts were the videos. D.M.
I enjoyed the fact that we are given both a written text and a video to help information be retained. P.G.
Presentation was excellent I learned so much and me gave a wide understanding of how sound system works. Upon learning the course, I do understand now how it really works and I need to put that into practice to develop myself more. Before it was just normal speakers to me and just normally asked…does this “item” sound really good? without asking the technicality of a good speaker and or how it really works. Thank you for this learning opportunity. LG.
I enjoyed the course and even though I am familiar with most of the material, I enjoyed the refresh and even learned more in depth about a few things. I particularly enjoyed the demo where you showed the contacts of the 1/4in TS and TRS jacks. I always knew in principal how they worked but not to this level of detail. B.W.
Very helpful terminology for a first time audio course. D.J.
Very well thought out, packaged, and presented. It is the best on-line course I have ever taken. E.I.
I’m just getting into the field of audio myself so from a newbies perspective this course introduced the basics very well, I loved the use of demonstrations throughout the training. Having a quiz at the end of each section was a great refresher as well. D.H.
Liked the training a lot. My only comment would be that I wish this was available in-person. Some of us learn very well online, others of us need to touch it for it to make sense and sink in. C.D.
I agree. We offered in-person training from 1973 until 2020 when Covid lockdown has shut us down for 2 years. Financially it would be much more difficult with the inflated prices. Brenda Brown
I really enjoyed the live demo videos. This course did exactly what I was told… confirmed things that I knew in my head by explaining the principles behind my ideas. B.A.
I love the demos, and the videos definitely made it easier . Very pleased with the training. R.E.
This course was very great I learned a lot. J.C.
Very detailed, creates a beginning to end description of topic being taught. C.C.
From the first lesson, the following occurred to me as to the course’s value:
1. Identified new information and filled in gaps
3. Gets everyone [who has taken the courses] on the same page.
4. A lot of audio problems can be traced back to not understanding the concepts, guidelines from Course 50 [Start here…do not skip] N.S.
Very knowledgeable, and helpful. Thank you. K.H.
This course reinforced my understanding of basic system knowledge. I’ve been doing live mixing for a while but didn’t fully understand all the terms and intricacies of the field, it’s nice feeling wizened by this course. C.G.
Congratulations to your husband for crafting a Final Exam that wasn’t simply a repetition of the quiz questions, but were questions of application of knowledge learned in between the lines of what was presented. D.O.
It was super helpful to have the lesson outline in text and in video. If I needed just a bit of information on something I can just find it quickly in the outline rather than watch the whole video or video segment. R.S.
Very good. Learned quite a bit. A.R.
The course was thorough enough to cover all of the basics without diving into too many details. Having just taken an OSHA 10-hour course with a dry fake-AI driven narration, I appreciate the VO (voice over) work being done in a friendly, well-cadenced manner that wasn’t boring or atonal. C.M.
Very clear explanation. K.A.
It was good. I think the content was appropriate for a beginners course. J.H.
Thorough and thoughtful presentation of information was crucial to my learning. N.R.
The course offered exceptional knowledge and was very detailed in explaining how everything is done from start to finish. E.B.
Course was very thorough but simple to understand. Everything was broken down well and the quizzes helped show me what information I needed to review and what information I retained well. P.F.
While I have nearly 2 decades of experience in the AV field, I have never received formal audio training before. Though I did know much of the material from my practical working experience, there were many of the facts covered that I did not know specifics about, but I now have a much more robust knowledge of. It seems that even old dogs can learn new tricks. looking forward to taking the 100 course in the near future. R.H.
I found this very helpful and informative as a beginner, and appreciate the opportunity to get some form of training certificate from home without prior experience. T.M.
Nothing further to add. Content was well-designed and easy to follow. P.K.
Having just completed the course, I find myself struggling with the technical information provided. Part of me feels there was a bit too much technical info for novice audio operators. On the other hand, while I’d say I was challenged (and always have been) by the talk of impedance and few other tech specific areas, I don’t see that much can be cut and still provide the knowledge and understanding that I want to see novice operators take from this class.
We too felt like this course was a little long. We struggled to make it shorter but we came to the same conclusion as you. The principles presented are foundational for everything else audio. It is reassuring that you came to the same conclusion. Brenda Brown
It was hard to retain everything about this course. D.M.
This was a very informative course. I learned a lot of things I didn’t know about audio systems, and I’m eager to continue learning all there is to learn in this field.
It seems like the instructor genuinely enjoyed teaching this material, and it appears he is a musician as well. The material wasn’t just abstract or theoretical, like many training courses tend to be sometimes. It is very practical and useful. I also noticed his two guitars on the wall, as well as the Chapman stick, which I think is a fun
Some of the materials are a little bit outdated. No USB audio is talked about. J.L.
This course is informative enough to those who never worked on audio. R.Q.
Very good instructor loved the different learning methods. Written, Video, Summaries very good layout and training model. I normally do not enjoy online training sessions; this is usually because it’s forced to be learnt in a certain method ie video or text based. They seldom offer everything in an organized and useful manner this course most certainly did. The outlines and reading material were not only useful but already had highlighted hints/tips. The videos were not clip art with boring literature training; however were used to mimic a hands on user experience and demonstrate high level audio concepts. A++ R. M.
It made me learn some things and was explained very well. S.T.
The concepts are well explained and in a way that is easy to understand. Z.C.
I would love to see the same courses but in Spanish, that would be great for the Latino community. R.C.
Having taken the onsite course in 2007, it was refreshing to drink from the fire hose again! I am glad I took it again! D.W.
Thanks for the quick response; and extension. Really enjoy the course and the layout. One of the better online courses I have taken. Good Job. R.M.
The you for having such an awesome online training program, it was very informative. I.J.
This was great and broken down into logical segments. S.C.
This course was a wonderful introduction. It would be nice if there were more live examples of things such as hooking up an entire signal chain in one video. M.N.
A close friend suggested this as a way to understand and grasp the basics of audio, and boy was he right. All the principles provided in a well-organized manner. Now I have a firm foundation to build my audio education off of.
I liked it. Simple to understand. The only downside is a few test questions were not specifically answered in the course. P.D. That is true, The principles were presented but it took reasoning to answer the questions. Brenda Brown
I thought the course was very useful to form a high level understanding of the topics. I look forward to continuing with the other more advanced courses. K.F.
Took me some time because I’ve been busy, but I loved the course! Very informational. N.W.
The videos were genuinely enjoyable to watch. Very well made. M.R.
Course was very informative, but doing it online is a bit mind numbing at times. R.G.
I enjoyed this course and look forward to taking more in the future. I really liked the demos. N.P.
Course was very informative and gave great basic info. C.K.
I like how your course explains something, then will show you the practical use for it. It helps make more since, and hammer it in my head a little more. Z.B.
I felt the pacing was good and the videos invaluable. However, trying to read the text for each section before watching the videos didn’t make sense for many of them. There were a lot of visual references that needed context. J.T.
Thank you! You are absolutely right. The video and text compliment each other. Brenda Brown
Simple, dense videos with real world application that seems to be available in other places, but so scattered that it takes ages to find individually. T.W.
I like the audio focused courses, and intend to take the other courses as well. It would be nice to see answer breakdowns for questions on the quiz that we got wrong, or a link back to the lesson outline where we can find the relevant information. R.W.
Video and video demos were very helpful. L.L.
Thank you, the course is very interesting, visual and informative. N.S.
Really enjoyed the demos. C.L.
Best AV training I’ve done in my career. Lots of good info, clear and straight to the point. B.B.
Loved the course. It was very direct and it didn’t drag on – even considering the length. K.M.
I thought the course was great! You stick to the most important aspects of audio and explain everything very clearly. J.V.
I thought the course was very well done. As a visual learner, I appreciate all of the pictures, videos, and diagrams provided. It really helps the material come to life!
I have worked for a commercial audio company for 2.5 years so a lot of the concepts I was already familiar with, but this definitely went into more detail which allows me to understand the “why” of what we are doing. A.M.
Course has lot of information presented. Concepts are well explained and made easier to follow for most parts. Probably more examples of usages (like demos that were there in parts of course) can be expanded. J.V.
Enjoyed all of the videos because I am a visual learner. J.D
Very informative for someone that is new to the AV field, provided me a good base knowledge of how audio systems work. D.D.
I’ve been doing audio for ten years and I am learning so much from yall. S.V.
Well done, and videos were helpful. O.C.
I feel like about half of this was appropriate for me and half was too easy, but I will absolutely be taking more courses. C.S.
Its easy to understand and knowledgeable. L.M.
Pretty good all around. Maybe some trick questions, and spice it a bit with some more fun (like the white noise box running out of steam). B.C.
The course has enough information but I think needs more practice, more examples to understand and memorize the details. A. J.
The demos were very helpful and clearly reinforced the principles being discussed. J.S.
I enjoyed the course. I learned a lot. I struggle with tests in general and this test for sure stumped me on a couple questions. J.F.
Great breakdown of the content. Easy to stay engaged. S.H.
Great content! Love Pat’s approach to the presentation. It can help the beginner in the industry as well as provide that refresher to others. P.R.
It is a new experience for me to learn about sound. So far one of the best courses I have completed in my life. M.J.On the videos the feedback sound was too loud compared to the teacher. I had to turn the volume down and then back up
I just wanted to write back and say how pleased I am with the personal touch you put on these courses.
The content Pat creates has been amazing so far, but I have to say that the personalized speedy responses add that final touch that is extremely nice. In a world where “good service” has seemed to almost completely disappear, it is a breath of fresh air to receive this great service…. So Thank you! M.D.
Great starting point for general audio knowledge. M.D.
I enjoyed how this course was laid out. Having the videos and text as two separate sections helped to increase understanding. A.H.
This helped me fill in a lot of gaps in my knowledge of audio systems. I.F.
I appreciate the level of “hand-holding”; that occurred during the training. It was not overbearing, in an “explain to me like I’m five” manner, but did not assume that I was familiar with the sphere of sound system work. E.B.
I appreciated the depth of knowledge and clarity of communication in which Pat was able to convey in his teaching. I enjoyed the demos as well. Perhaps I missed it, but I would have liked to have seen the correct answers to the questions I got wrong or partially-correct in the final exam. I found this to be a beneficial attribute of the chapter quizzes. Overall, I enjoyed the opportunity to learn and anticipate I’ll be reviewing my notes and may take the course again in the future as a refresher. M.M.
This training has been by far the best for what I need to do. The training offered here was good, and I learned, but you break it down so much easier and simple for me to understand. N.K.
None. I thought it was very insightful. L.P.
Very helpful for beginners. A.B.
Well paced. R.E.
I enjoyed the training! K.S.
The only part of this course that did not make sense the first time around was the microphone pick up pattern. I did need to further my research to understand the “off-axis” evaluations of a microphones pattern. A.G.
As always, your training are the best but I think by far the better service you offer is you customer service. 😊 you can quote me on that. R. J.
This was wonderful, and just what I needed at my current level of understanding. I am looking forward to Course 100! C.P.
Valuable information and great teaching skills. L.M.
If possible some interactive lessons where you look at how moving an object influences sound and the like would be neat. Otherwise I rather enjoyed it.
Your training is very in depth and provides real world scenarios. Easy to follow and brings a lot of value. M.S.
I love having both videos and lesson text available. It let me read along on one screen with the video on the other. M.F.
Good job! D.B.
You all rock, I learned so much about the audio devices I have at home, and can confidently say I have a decent understanding of audio equipment that isn’t just plug n play, but sophisticated equipment as well. G.G.
Some additional questions about interface backing and I/O options on the practice quiz for the relevant sections would be good. C.S.
For someone who struggles with paying attention to any kind of lecture or PowerPoint format, this course was a breath of fresh air. I am very appreciative for the time that was put into this, as well as the way this course was able to easily demonstrate through real life scenarios how these ideas work. H.A.
Very good course – useful introduction. I look forward to taking the more advanced courses and getting deeper into concepts like impedance, loudspeakers, and signal processing. B.O.
In order to provide a bit of context I’ll preface my comments by stating that I don’t have any sound industry experience beyond plugging in a stereo at home. Having said that, I enjoyed the course.
The content of the material was just the right mix (pun!) of devices and concepts that I had vague notions of without any understanding and devices and concepts that were wholly new to me. That kept it interesting, similar to reading a great novel that a person can’t wait to find out what happens in the end but not wanting it to end.
The layout, design, structure, and flow of the presentations made navigating through the course simple. I was able to spend my time on the material and not how to access it.
I appreciated the transcripts of the videos, and the in-course quizzes were beneficial to my understanding of the material.
The thing that stands out for me are the demonstration videos. They are fantastic.
I had a lot of fun with this and look forward to learning more! D.D.
In preparing for the test, I went back to the previous test and studied. I found the final a lot harder than the other test. E.K.
The presentation of the course material was crystal clear. Going into the course I knew some of what I was going to learn, but even concepts I already understood were made even clearer, furthering my understanding. J.M.
I really liked this course, when I first started with the court technology unit I had a background in computer systems technology and I had dabbled in some consumer audio(home entertainment). My first week on the job was helping a contractor set up a few courtrooms for audio reinforcement. This course helped fill gaps of knowledge that I didn’t realize I had. J.M.
I thought it was very clear and found the demonstration videos particularly helpful. S.T.
Most of the information was familiar to me. Some was new and it’s presentation was excellent. D.L.
I thought the program was well presented. E.B.
Pat explains the course material very well, and is very easy to understand. It’s great how everything is so well organized. One minor comment/suggestion is to combine videos as much as possible since there are marker divisions that would make it easy to identify the sections. D.C.
I enjoyed the subject matter, much like the previous course that I took. I look forward to signing up for the next course in line. Also enjoyed the short Eric Johnson clip within the course. The Cliffs of Dover is such a great tune! S.V.
Graphic information help understanding the content easier. B.T.
I feel that the flow was fast during each video. Maybe more examples in the videos. Z.W.
Amazing review of basic concepts. Informative delivery style. A.T.
Great course! Lots of useful information conveyed in an easy to understand format no matter your learning style. F.H.
There is a lot of great information provided. The lessons were filled with info but not overwhelming. I liked having the videos as well as the text from the videos. It helped reinforce the knowledge. I did assume the questions on the final exam would be more similar to the questions on the unit quizzes, so I might suggest tailoring the quizzes to be more final exam-like, in terms of the complexity and in-depth-ness. The exam questions did make me think! Which is good! K.A.
The course is very good and knowledgeable. S.S.
Course was very detailed on the basics principals of audio and the devices used to create them. M.P.
Course is good and detailed, well-explained as well. O.T.
Thought it was a good beginners course. J.W.
I enjoyed the course, lots of useful information. C.C.
The videos really brought it together. J.L.
A good overall review of basic audio concepts. M.M
I enjoyed this course and learned a lot. I appreciated how the lessons were very bite-size and easy to tackle in one sitting. There wasn’t an overwhelming amount of information and it was nicely distilled into short videos.
Some things I didn’t know at all, some things I had previously learned from experience in AV work (like the effectiveness of certain types of mics in certain situations and factors that can cause feedback), but through this course, I was able to learn the actual technical and scientific reasons for those things.
I definitely learn best through experience, so things like the demo videos and the “Putting it all together”; unit were hugely helpful in my comprehension of the material throughout the course. The more videos like those the better! W.F.
Well understanding way of technical explanation. Too many questions about wire gauge. Multi-choice questions with relatively ambiguous answer choice. D.P.
I particularly like how the information was broken down which made it easier to digest. S.D.
The instruction was excellent. Well paced and the graphics helped tremendously. J.C.
As someone who mixed live audio for a number of years, a lot of this information was already known to me, but there was definitely a few topics that I learned for the first time by taking this course.
I appreciate the visual aids, it helps my brain refer to and absorb to the subject matter. I’ve been playing music most of my life and self taught mixing audio and setting up loudspeaker systems. It’s already been very helpful to learn more of the proper information through the course, through a friendly and easy to understand and must know format. Thank you!
This is such a great course! Very well explained and very good videos! It helped me a lot to read the material first and then see it in video after! A.L.
Excellent course. P.W.
It was very helpful. I feel that I learned a lot. B.M.
This course gave me great insight and I’m looking forward to taking Course 100 next. T.M.
I enjoyed the course and found it to be very insightful. D.H.
I liked the videos in this lesson, they were very informative. S.M.
I’ve looked into it before from online searches, but finally committed to signing up when it was required for work. Z.H.
I felt the course was very easy to follow and provided a lot of valuable information. K.B.
The course was honestly great. I learned so many new concepts that I was never aware of before. A.E.
I enjoyed the course especially for its length/information ratio, as stated in the beginning, these are info packed courses. P.A.
Thank you for the audio text print outs. I can keep notes on the way. I.G.
This course was extremely helpful to me. I went to trade school for residential, commercial and industrial electrical systems; so coming into the professional audio world was a completely new place to me. Just going through the basics with Pat has significantly increased my understanding of the core concepts of audio significantly. Extremely simple things like mic placement were new to me, and Pat did a fantastic job of making it all understandable. Thank you for the efforts you put into this course! B.R.
Videos have good content but a slow pace. D.M.
Thoroughly enjoyed the demos, particularly regarding microphone placement. J.P.
The delivery was great. No changes needed. S.G.
I found the course to be very informative and the amount of time to complete is very generous. It was to have an relatively in-depth coverage of some of the more minor details that don’t get mentioned in other AV trainings. I will be recommending this to AV technicians as a great way to learn valuable info that can be used on the job. N.B.
I thought it covered the basics well. It was a great addition to the AVIXA CTS content and gives me the RU’s needed to keep my cert active. J.L.
I thoroughly enjoyed the course, it is a great entry level course. The course has helped me learn a good deal of information. My only recommendation is to add a couple of how-to/walk-through videos of some common setups. R.B.
Again, I’m very pleased with how thorough and easy the knowledge transfer was – “;Lay-man’s terms”;. I’m a knowledgeable AV professional with a studio recording background. I say that because I wish I would’ve heard about this course when getting into the industry; it would’ve saved me so much time as the teaching style fits my learning style. E.T.
I loved the course and learned so much. I really appreciate the effort you and Pat put in to maintain these excellent training materials—it definitely shows. C.P.
I am very glad to purchase more training! I have a young guy with me who I’m getting started into audio, and I thought the best way I could get him kickstarted was to get him a SAC course. I really appreciate what you and Pat do, you have helped me tremendously. B.R.
I am a beginner of audio and this is the best direct course I have come across. I.A.
I appreciated the level of coverage of the material and the option to utilize either text or videos. J.W.
I really enjoyed the feeling that I was being taught in the same manner I would be in-person, relaxed and matter of fact, while also knowing I would be able to review the info. As you said, it is dense. There are also ways that the video and voiceover come together to really help get a message across.
Further on I stated that I thought I’d retain 50-75% of the info, but I think with between applying the practical knowledge as well as having access to review I could comfortably have it all. G.L.
I have been away from the AV industry for a few years and I have to say this course provided a clear, precise and easy to understand re-introduction of the AV concepts and terminology. I loved the printout notes that made it easier to follow the course without having to write down a lot but my additional comments here and there. I would have loved some of the graphics in there too but understand that the notes would probably be too large for printing plus it gave me an opportunity to make my own graphical interpretations 🙂 A.S.
Honestly, my main thought is “Where was this when I started in live events 12 years ago??” Or at least, why didn’t the company I worked for utilize you? D.J.
Good stuff! J.B.
Good format, easy to follow, add more entertaining facts or jokes. L.O.
Great course. I especially loved the design of the graphics throughout the sections, as they really helped with retaining and explaining. A.C.
The examples, demos, and video clips are good. I would like to be able to print more visual examples so I can come back to it, rather than only having the time allotted. S.M.
Course has exactly what I needed and topics are on point. J.C.
I liked the course, covers a lot of needed information and knowledge that every audio person should have.
That was Pat’s goal. I would love for every integrator to make this a mandatory course. It would change our industry. Brenda Brown
I thought the speaker enunciated very well. I appreciated the transcript provided before each set of videos, so I could follow along and highlight important information. C.C.
I agree. We try to use several of your senses with our courses. The more senses used, more likely you will retain the information. It is also a great reference when you no longer have access to the course. Brenda Brown
I enjoyed the videos with the demonstrations of the polar patterns, mic placement, loudspeakers definitely drives home the lesson. M.A.
I enjoyed the course! It really helped to have the info printed out and then seeing the diagrams in the videos that visually explained it. Well done! D.G.
I felt that this course was very helpful and elaborate. Perfect for several learning styles. L.F.
I thought this course was very good at generalizing information and not forcing you into one brand of equipment. C.M.
Awesome Job! T.L.
I found the course clear and with good info and easy to understand. J.J.
I really enjoyed the demos videos. The way the pickup patterns were demonstrated was the best i have seen for explaining that topic. B.M
I enjoyed the way that the lessons were set-up. The lessons were easy to understand and easy to go back and review a specific topic when needed. R.M.
I thought the overall topics and way they where described where perfect. Almost everything was clear to understand, and easy to figure out. One thing for me personally that I would have liked would have been more pictures in the pages we printed out. Especially, when it came to the Polar Patterns; more pictures would have been nice. However, the course overall was great, and I loved all of it! C.B.
Good suggestion. We can add this. Thank you. Brenda Brown
This was a great training! Before I started, I couldn’t get above 35% in the quiz’s, now I passed with an 85%! Thank you! K.F.
The videos and real time demonstrations are extremely valuable and really make the lessons you discuss come alive. Mic placement was a huge problem at my last job and talkers would routinely have issues keeping the microphones close to the correct area for the best sound reproduction. Pat is an excellent teacher and clearly knows well above and beyond this level of audio but doesn’t come off as pretentious. R.B.
Good course, easy to follow. M.B.
I discovered a passion for pro audio after DJing for a number of years and am extremely eager to learn. I never thought I would fall in love with this but your training has truly made the world of a difference. Thank you for your support! R.O.
Very nice, easy to do anywhere. N.T.
I really enjoyed this course; the detailed breakdown of the fundamentals was something I really needed to bridge my practical experience with other courses. Very well done!!!1 E.N.
I thoroughly enjoyed the course. The format of the lesson plans, videos and website in general was very user friendly. The Audio was precise and clear and the information given was fantastic and a great learning pace for one starting at SynAudCon 50. K.L.
The course was great. I retain and learn so much from the videos. The test was kind of hard but it was good. Z.V.
This is my first audio course ever so no comparisons yet, but it’s very interesting and well done. Thank you! G.F.
The only thing I can say about this course is how informative it was. I am definitely a hands on learner so I was worried how well I would absorb the info, but it was very well explained with helpful graphics to explain everything. A.W.
I amazed on how in-depth and informative this course was and It has definitely helped me get a better understanding on Audio overall.
I thought the videos were a great idea. Makes it much easier than just notes on paper. Everything was very clear, concise, and well articulated. N.F.
For someone who is new to audio, this course will be brilliant. C.W.
This was a great training easy to follow while being both brief and very detailed. I give it a 10/10. J.M.
I very much enjoyed this course. Thank you. In general, it was very informative and understandable. P.G.
Thank you for putting together a well rounded and beneficial course. J.H.
Thank you so much for sending me the certificate. I greatly appreciate all your help throughout the course. Course was an excellent experience. It not only helped me in building a strong foundation but also cleared a lot of misunderstandings I had about the audio field. I took a lot of notes and re-watched most of the videos. Thank you so much for making it interesting and pragmatic. I would definitely come back for more. A. S.
Hi Brenda, thanx for this e-mail. I’ve done the enrollement to SynAudCon following a suggestion of a friend of mine. I had started to read some article and then I’ve decided to start to follow your on-line training. I’m finding your courses very effective and practical to re-build my audio knowledge on more solid foundations. R.S.
“I thought the information was presented in a great format. I would have liked more interactive activities.” C.M.
Very informative. D.B.
I love the practical “real life” examples! I’m a very practical, “hands on” learner and seldomly see this kind of course material in my studies. It is much appreciated. This course also felt fairly optimized and concise. No segment ever seemed to drag on too long or overstay it’s welcome. T.P.
Good course for someone working in the Audio industry without the necessary background in Audio from school. S.B.
This course was a lot of fun, the visuals were helpful, and the length of the videos was just right. R.B.
The contents were perfect for me. I.L.
Loved the videos and test per module used for testing the knowledge retained during the course on the curriculum. J.D.
I have been an audio professional for nearly 25 years in live production and installation, earned a bachelor’s degree in recording, mixed my first live show 30 years ago, and have been interested in sound since I was old enough to climb over the edge of an old hi-fi set and peer inside. I consider myself knowledgeable and talented in the field. While this course did not cover anything new for me, I never felt that it was presented in a way that was beneath my level of expertise. Instead I found it helpful to see how the fundamentals were presented so that I can do a better job of teaching the subject myself. I also got a big kick out of all the pictures of gear and identifying all the equipment I have used over the years. I have especially fond memories of mixing on an APB SpectraT, so I really appreciated all the shots of the little brown mixers. J.P.
I was very impressed with this course. It was clear and direct. Perhaps a video course.
I loved how clear He was about all the subjects. The jokes and animations were funny. The videos were a bit too long for me personally. However, I value the information and format. I like the main points to study, and the written lectures to follow. The videos were nice to review before quizzes. Maybe if there could be more pictures or images of things instead of having it all in the video that would be helpful. E.P.
“Very well laid out program. Excellent videos with clear explanation of the material.” N.V.
I really liked the demonstration portions where you get to see/hear a real-world manifestation of the principles being studied. C.G.
The animation and video content were tremendous ! This has been one of my favorite courses in the past 6 months or so that I have taken. The written dialog prior to the video helped me soak up the details and “relax” during the video portion of the training. S.S.
“I like the ease of teaching and understanding. Also, the lack of product pushing is perfect.” R.B.
It is thorough. M. H.
I like the live videos, always better to be shown how something works than be told how. J.C.
Overall I thought it was good, and having both the written info and the lectures helped to be able to understand the material better. G.M.
Great practical use information. This course helped expand / provide clarity on many practices that I had a basic idea on but had trouble comprehending. For example, following a right audio practice because it’s what you’ve been told the whole, but it was never explained why. A.R.
Overall I thought it was a good course to get started with audio systems. B.M.
The videos and introductory outline segments were very informative and helpful, as well as the Quiz Yourself sections. R.C.
On the videos the feedback sound was too loud compared to the teacher. I had to turn the volume down and then back up. G.M.
Thank you. We will check it out.
The course was very informative and highlighted aspects of audio that I had never been formally taught before. This course made it a lot easier for me to visualize and understand our audio systems. C.G.
I’ve been doing live sound for a small business for 4 years now and I was surprised at how many things I learned. I thought the course was great and entertaining enough, and definitely was very good for digesting information thoroughly. D.F.
The structure of the course is well layed out. The demo video definitely help put things into perspective. J.G.
I very much enjoyed your demo videos, as they were thorough, anything else you do please take the time to put that in there as it really makes all the difference and is similar to getting hands on experience.
My supervisor at work knew about it and thought it would be a good starting point for my colleague and I before we started asking about more specified classes on audio and other related things to broadcast engineering! S.W.
It is extremely helpful that the training is recorded because I can pause/ rewind and watch certain aspects that I didn’t grasp the first time. What helped the most was seeing the practical application of the learning. For example, learning about microphones is one thing, but seeing how the mic to source distance actually effects the signal is another, so seeing the videos where that was demonstrated was very helpful and could maybe be used more frequently for other aspects of the training as well. N.S.
This training is awesome and really helpful understand all the basic concepts. S.C.
The course was good, I felt there were a few questions on the quizzes that were out of order, and I learned the answers in a previous or later section. The demos were fun, and I think very helpful. L.B.
I thought that it was really great. I learned a lot of stuff that I have missed in my in person training and feel that some of the cracks that I may have had in my knowledge have been filled in. I loved the example videos where loudspeakers, mics, or other equipment was shown. Really helped connect what you were talking about to the real world. Great job and I look forward to taking another course of yours! M.P.
I loved the effort put into the course. This is my first SynAudCon training session, I was signed up for your 3-day class at Infocomm, but since it was cancelled, I opted to do the online courses. I truly loved it. It was WAY more involved than I had expected for an into course, so Kudos to you both for putting together such a fantastic course. C.F.
Thank you guys for the hard work and commitment to help with my career. I appreciate it and I will be sure to frame this ! J.L.
I enjoyed the training. I thought it was great. A.C.
I just completed the course this morning I’ve been installing video conference systems zoom primarily for the last three years and it is nice to tie some of this first hand experience to technical description and terminology. K.M.
This was a great refresher course for me. I have worked in the broadcast field for a number of years and it helps to go back to the basics every once in a while. This course was thorough and concise in it’s presentation. I completed it in two days and was reminded of the basics of audio. B.V
Overall I thought the content was very helpful. J.H.
I enjoyed this course. It was very helpful to go at my own pace. P.P.
This course was fun to go through it gave me a refresher on the things I have learned in school. S.S.
The level of information was appropriate for the course and the course requirements. J.P.
This was a very in depth class for being introductory level. I learned a ton and there were many things I do with installations where I knew the “how” and but not the “why.” This course answered a lot of the “why”s for me. P.M.
I love the way Pat makes complex ideas easier to understand by using visual representations and analogies. I would like to see this teaching style applied to things that are physically hard to grasp like DSPs and Digital mixers. A.T. One step a head of you. We have a DSP course using these principles – Course 120: DSP. 😉 Brenda Brown
Worth the money? Most definitely. I can take the course at my own pace. The downside of online is you don’t get to interact with other students and the instructor insi de and outside of the training. The human part of the interaction is gone. W.B.
I think the visuals through the videos helped me a lot. E.H.
I really enjoyed this course. I found it super helpful in my job as I was going through it. I do admin work, mostly helping with purchasing, but it’s been helpful to actually understand what I’m buying. C.K.
The course was very well presented, easy bitesize videos easy to digest. S.B.
I love the video clips. They are short and informative. Much better than having to read through a bunch of text. Also, the demos were cool too to see the concepts come to life. J.G.
It was good. As general low voltage installer of 5 years the level 50 course had a good mix of nuts and bolts information that I already knew and programmer side information that was new to me. Video graphics are very helpful and appreciated information is explained very concisely. Printable text transcripts of the videos will surely come in handy in the future. N.F.
I enjoyed the course and definitely learned a lot, as someone who is fairly new to sound. I have a fair amount of experience on some simple sound systems at my school and my church, but I never really new much about basic sound principles. The course explained these well, and didn’t go too in depth for a beginner to have to understand. I liked a lot of the demos of different kinds of equipment that became more common as the course went on, they were not only interesting, but helpful to understanding the subject matter. M.M.
Course was very useful and generous in depth information. R.A.
Overall, this was a very good course. I do prefer in person classes as a learning style preference, but this has been one of the best online courses I’ve taken. I particularly liked the long sections showing each of the connector and wire types, and the speaker and microphone demos.
I might like more diagrams in the study material? I was a little bit overwhelmed by the final, “putting it all together” sections, so perhaps a visual (or bullet point?) overview that I could follow along would help me keep it all in my head? G.K.
I like the videos and sample videos. Also, the quizzes at the end of each section. L.C.
I enjoyed the course. I have worked in Radio for 10 years and just got a new job and needed the refresher and I even learned things I didn’t know yet. Thank you. J.S.
Thorough. D.G.
Its very good course and helpful. L.S.
My appreciation goes to SynAudcon team, for this wonderful training offered to us to boost our skills. F.M.
It was good, with videos clarifications. F.M
The demonstration videos were great. They did a good job of reinforcing the concepts of the lesson. J.N.
The courses have been awesome and this is definitely a great time to learn. S.G.
My overall thoughts are that the course was helpful. I especially appreciated information about the applications of various equipment (loudspeaker types, dynamic vs condenser microphones, etc). In my role, I am not engineering these systems myself but I need to understand the engineering a bit and I really need to understand the customer/end-user needs. So knowing not just how the equipment functions but why a person might choose one piece of equipment over another is a big plus.
Thank you very much for offering courses like this. I found it very helpful! K.B.
This course is great. Very easy to follow. Videos are accurate to the written material. G.L.
The class was great and it was extremely helpful. I am looking forward to starting Course 100. S.G.
I loved the course. N.W.
Very good beginner course. C.S.
I enjoyed the creative video clips. K.A.
I thought it was well done. G.D.
Very concise and professional. The imagery and analogies were helpful. S.S.
This is a great course. Being able to pause and think about the material was so very important. J.S.
The course was great! S.B.
The training is helpful. D.F.
SynAudCon’s Online training course was effective and helped me overall. V.T.
This course was great and really helped me learn the bigger picture. P.G.
It’s good and easy to learn material. Thank you. R.L.
I think the course is very thorough. It’s a great introductory course that covers almost every aspect of sound & sound systems for the complete newbie. It also fills in the gaps for the person who has some experience but could use further explanation. Awesome awesome awesome course! I will recommend this to my colleagues at my place of employment, Vision Technologies, as well as the volunteers who run sound at my local church, The MACC. D.D.
Thank you very much for the extension, very appreciate it. I learned a lot from the course “050 – How Sound System Works”, it is truly an eye opening for me.
For all this long I have been searching for answer for the basic and Pat Brown is doing a great job in putting everything through a small and precise video for all the explanations. Thank you to Pat Brown and Brenda Brown for this opportunities. T.S.
Very informative. G.W.
I think the instructor was good and not boring. Topics weren’t too easy and kept me interested. D.K.
I found the trainings excellent and plan on doing more. D.C.
This was very informational. It helped me build more professional level terms and add to my own knowledge. S.J.
I have no technical knowledge about audio, that’s why I enrolled on your online training. I have done the first online lesson yesterday and it is very informative and educative. I.H.
Thank you very much! It was an awesome course and I learned so much! D.F.
I really enjoyed taking this course. It reinforced and helped me review what I’ve learned in the past. R.W.
Very Informative. K.S.
It was definitely fun and full of information. For me personally though, would have liked to attend in person, only because I get caught up in work and its hard to take my own time to take this test online. I need to get away from work. A.E.
Really enjoyed it. A. B.
There was a WHOLE LOT of information in this course. T.G.
I am really excited to get through them all. This was the first one and it was very insightful. The only reason I’d want to do something in person is to demonstrate some of the conclusions, but this was great. P.F.
“Really enjoyed the course.” E.M.
“I enjoyed this program, it was concise and to the point. I wish my classes at school were this well organized.” D.F.
Pat’s wisdom in audio and electronic concepts has been very enlightening. Z.K.
For someone who is new to the field, your information is easily delivered and understood. D.D.
I found this course to be very informative. I really enjoyed it. I plan on going back to review again. B.S.
I really liked the videos in this course. Often at times when Im reading I may nod off but with the clips I found them informative. V.Y.
Thanks so much! I really enjoyed the course – it is laid out and presented well. S.L.
Like most of the people I meet who work in live sound, I’m largely self-taught through a pinball approach of missteps, feedback, and the begrudging tolerance of others. Time and time again, as I worked through these courses I thought, “I wish I had taken this course years ago.” And often I thought of others who could benefit from them. S.H.
The videos are clear, I suggest adding some practical exercise. M.S.
This course gives you valuable information and terminology on how sound systems work. Whether a beginner or a review for others, you will learn and understand how sound systems work in a very logical way. S.S.
I thought it was great even as a refresher. M.W.
I think it was a very good course. P.W.
This is a good step into audio and gives me the knowledge I need to keep learning and growing! D.K.
The materials are useful. R.N.
The graphics and charts are nice with the video. I wish they were also with the text notes for review. I’m a very visual learner and those would be nice to have in front of me as I reread the information. J.B.
The information was quality and web site was easy to navigate. W.W.
“The course terminology tends to be American focused.” S.B. I agree. I would estimate that eighty- five to ninety of our training is sold in the US. However, you made a very good point. I will bring this to the developer attention. Brenda Brown
It is very enlightening. Y.L.
Very complete. I like it because it touches the important points and does not waste time. O.H.
Great course for beginners. S.K.
I attended the “Sound System Design” course last year and really enjoyed it. I wanted to take one of your more basic courses to test my knowledge. This course was a little too basic for me at times but I still enjoyed it. Regarding the printout of the notes that are provided, I suggest that a better format would be an outline rather than word for word. This would allow space for the student to insert their own notes. I.H.
I am a total novice but came out feeling as if I learned enough to understand the terms that are commonly used in the office as well as the basic setup for a system. J.H.
The video’s and layout were fantastic. I would like a general glossary of terms I could download so I could pause the video and look up the term. J.F.
Thank you, I really enjoyed the course. It helped give me an actual understanding of all of the basics which I really needed. M.I.
Thought everything was very good. R.L.
This gave me the basic understanding of what is needed to have a good sound system, especially where there is a microphone involved. R.D
I like the real life examples used to depict audio distribution scenarios. K.M.
The training was awesome and helpful. J.G.
It was very helpful! Thank you again for this helpful tool! J.R.
Very informative. Perfect mix of notes and videos. BB.
It was good. B.S.
The course was very informative on exactly what the course is called “how sound systems works.” T.N.
Good course, although the final exam had a couple of questions that weren’t specifically covered in the lessons. G.S.
I learned a lot about Audio with this course. C.A.
I thought it was good. The only improvement I can think of at this time is the section on mixing where it would have been helpful to hear the mix as the section was explained. I will be back for more training. J.G.
Well I would say I enjoyed it. It was really interactive with the videos, helping me to visualize all the terms in the text. A. A.
I’ve just switched over to the pro audio/visual industry from accounting and have been searching for a good introductory course to get a basic grasp on what it’s all about. So far so good, loving the intro course I just bought and hopefully your guy’s other online courses are just as good! D.W.
I loved the course and that you included the sounds effects of what was being discussed like hum or feedback. B.S.
I feel the graphic aids that are shown in the video’s greatly help me understand the matter far more than than just reading the text alone. Having printed the accompanying text , I do feel some graphics could have been added for future reference. I do understand that there needs to be differentiation between text and video but having the printouts include some of the graphics would help them a great deal in making these reference documents later on, especially for a newbee like myself.
As a sidenote: at first I felt some of the graphics were a bit 90’s clipart BUT their simplicity and immediate understanding proved to not subtract from the matter that was thought while they were shown. So I understand these choices made 100%. Pat has a great and compelling voice to listen to so I never got bored with any of the video’s. As a non-native English speaker the speech was always clear and never felt I was missing or had to google translate anything :). Pat is now on the list of ‘top-teachers’ that I had the pleasure of listening to. Too bad that flying out to attend physical classes is a bit too expensive. Virtual classes are the next best thing though. Keep it up! C.P.
What I learned in audio I either experienced in live corporate set ups or was taught it by other who had gone through former training and had much more experience. That being said, if I had taken this class when first getting into audio, it would have made my learning and grasping of these concepts much easier and the time to do so much shorter. I think this course lays out concepts and presents Audio system technical know-how in a very understandable way. Even for someone who has never set up a sound system themselves, I think with this course and relating to any personal experience (i.e. going to a movie theater) anyone can grasp most concepts in this course. G.C.
I’ve really enjoyed the training videos. J.M.
I am so thankful for these courses – you guys do such a great job and make audio so approachable. J.R.
It was slightly akin to taking a big sip from a fire hose. For someone coming from the I.T. realm, it was extremely difficult for me to wrap my brain around some of the concepts. I was thankful that the course was online and I was able to watch the clips multiple times, pause and take notes. I grossly underestimated the length of time it would take me to digest all the information (given my lack of experience in this area). The instructor was wonderful and did a super job of explaining some complex subject matter. I truly appreciate the terminology shift and am trying to replace my vague vocabulary with the much more precise terms learned in this course. N.Z.
This course provided valuable information in an easy to understand format. It is a wonderful asset for new audio professionals. S. P.
I thought the analogies were really good. M. J.
This was a great refresher course for me. It would also be a great course for those just starting out in the AV industry. B.H.
The video clips where great to visualize what is being learned. P.V.
The course was very basic for me, however it had more things to offer than what I had anticipated. What I found to be the more important topics were in regards to the electrical aspect. Additionally, I think the course was through and well-constructed. J. P.
Having an audio background, I felt I was able to move through this pretty quickly, and it provided some helpful information regarding particulars of placement and clarification of Q which I still am looking into. All in all, I felt the course was well built and reminded me of things to look out for. D. C.
I’ve taken many online courses, this was very effective. Incorporating more of the images from the videos into the course text would be helpful as there are many useful diagrams in the videos. N.W.
I really liked this course. Please don’t change the format. B.W.
Videos were very concise and clear. So much content packed into a few short minutes that rewinding is mandatory if full attention is not given. Great quality of presentation. P. K.
I always wondered about this course material – nice to finally learn from it. R. S.
Found the course very information but possibly a little more depth to the mic-line level-impedance and the connections thereof. B.M.
This is my first training. I did gain a lot of valuable knowledge. T. G.
The videos were very informative. E.S.
I had questions that I didn’t even know to ask answered the day after I finished a unit. I’ve found it extremely helpful to day to day work in A/V installation. Extremely helpful and in depth, while still managing to keep things concise and to the point when they really need to be. J. S.
I appreciated that it basically only covered what you needed to know. That being said, I felt the final exam was definitely more difficult than the practice tests after each lesson. J. C.
I took “Principles of Audio” first, so I thought I would fly through this one. Not so much lol.
I liked it very much. D. B
Great lessons and very informative. M.S.
Felt that some of the questions on the Final were not covered well in the course but as a whole, this training exceeded my expectations by far. T.F. A comment about the exam questions: Audio troubleshooting requires intuitive reasoning, so I integrated this into some of the questions. You will not find all of the answers spelled out in the lesson text, but in every case the required principle was presented in the course videos. The student should be able to deduce the answer from the information given. Pat Brown
Good refresher for me, and I imagine this would be a good starting point for someone unfamiliar with audio systems. J.B.
I like the demonstrations in the videos. B.D.
The videos were up-to-date and relevant for me. B.H.
It was great. W.S
It was hugely beneficial for me, and I loved the layout of the course material. I absolutely plan on moving on to the next few sessions. A.C.
This was great! I have had a lot of experience in the field, but I didn’t realize some basic principles that you guys explain so easily. Definitely worth every penny! G.M.
I truly enjoyed the presentation, the graphics, documentation and the oral presentation. I felt the quizzes were relevant to the topics covered. I truly enjoyed the course and look forward to taking more courses. Thank you. M.W.
I enjoyed the course D.C.
I found the material and the configuration really well thought out. R.C.
I’m very excited for this course because I’ve always been passionate about technical audio and this course is exactly what I need to better myself as an installer and technician. I am enjoying it a lot. J.S.
I really liked the challenge. I learned new things. D. T.
Excellent Course! D.C.
Thank you very much. The training was very informative and allowed me to look at the aspects of audio from a different perspective. There were many new points I picked up regarding mixers and loudspeakers I hadn’t dealt with before. E. C.
I love the examples used comparing sound to real life applications – like the water faucet example for gain. Videos are fantastic – I’ve taken other courses that are entirely text, with no video examples of anything, and I much prefer the style of SynAudCon. Text & Video are both provided, and I can go re-watch them at anytime for review. I much prefer the style of SynAudCon, because of the videos, and the humor that’s mixed into the course. T.H.
This course was very informative and easy to follow! S. H.
Thank you! It was fun. I’ll be back to take another course. J.P.
This is my first audio course online and I thought it was pretty good. S.F.
Course was great just the way it is laid out. D.T.
Honestly, this was one of the best training I have taken. The interface is very user friendly and providing the script for each video has greatly helped me take very detailed notes. J.M.
The courses were easy to go through, while being very informative. The animations presented are very helpful to learn many of these concepts. Thank you. T.I.
This course is very good for people who learn my means of note taking, and repetition… then the videos also help to really meld it into your memory. I think the course could be improved by becoming more interactive with things such as games, or activities, to help people stay engaged and challenged. H.E.
I thought it was very thorough and a good pace and depth for an audio beginner like myself. S.R.
It was great, can’t wait to continue with the other courses. S.V.
The material and interface was excellent. Having the content in both text form, and video form, made it easier for the info to sink in. R.D.
Great course. Informative. D.R.
The material and the way it was presented was wonderful Great text, videos, audio and graphics.
My only hang ups come with some test questions where the answers could have a couple of right answers. It was a bit confusing but I also understand it gives the flexibility to get some points for a semi-correct answer as opposed to an pass or fail, all or nothing outcome. D.F.
I loved your course, I just began in the a/v industry about 3 years ago and this connected a lot of dots and filled in a lot of blanks. It was really great. I look forward to taking more courses with you guys. B.P.
Course flow is excellent, but the same music at the beginning of every video is tedious, would be nice just to hear something different. Focus to flow diagrams, schematics, and systems is great. More time on physical differences that one would see in real-time system installations would be great. Reinforcement is good. A.M. (You will see more of the real-time system installations in our “Principles of Audio” online course. Brenda Brown)
First of all, I just want to share again just how practical and informative the 050 course was. I was able to put it to work IMMEDIATELY in my job and began sharing some of the knowledge with my volunteer team. M.H. Worship Tech.
“This was a good basic course went through what took me ten years to figure out on my own.” C.C.
When Considering candidates for employment
When we’re considering candidates for employment, anyone with SynAudCon training goes to the head of the line.
Zki Pszenitzki, Owner ZKI Communications
I was impressed while being educated.
Thanks for the Certificate. The course was actually hard, but that makes you think, and requires you to learn. I was impressed while being educated. 🙂 I like the the way the course is presented. I’ve taken online courses before, and to tell you the truth I was a little worried that I wouldn’t be able to grasp the info, but it is well laid out and presented nicely. I am going to take three of the courses eventually.
Bill Talley
I recommend that anyone who is involved in audio/communication systems have this knowledge.
Thank you for making me aware of the audio courses being offered by SynAudCon. I started the Course 100 course prior to attending the training seminar on Airport Communication Systems at IED. The information presented in this course provided me a foundation to better understand audio systems and the terms and concepts used to explain Airport Communication Systems. Through the Course 100: Principles of Audio course, I have a greater ability to manage the system at DFW International Airport.
I have read several books on audio systems and audio engineering. If I had taken this course first I would have been able to comprehend the information presented faster and more completely. As the use of audio systems in life safety systems continues to grow, it is very important to understand the science these systems are built on in order to use the systems most effectively. I recommend that anyone who is involved in audio/communication systems have the knowledge presented in this course. The information was presented in a manner that facilitates learning even though some of the concepts are not intuitively apparent.
Thank you again for the opportunity to participate in this training.
Joe Collins, NICET Level IV Fire Alarm Systems
Testament to online training.
Good work. Your work is testament to the value of the web as a learning and training medium.
Joe Booher, AVISPL
This course challenged me.
It’s great to actually do an online course that
a) challenges you.
b) isn’t boring.
You will have to listen and makes notes of what is said during the videos. If you don’t, you certainly will not pass the final exam. Looking forward to starting the Course 100.
John Handy
I thought I knew everything.
I’ve been a sound Engineer for the past 28 years, I thought I knew everything. Boy, was I wrong. It’s got me thinking and thinking really hard. It made me love it and respect it even more. All I have to say is “wow”.
Sound Engineer