SynAudCon offers two new, information-packed courses to meet the evolving challenges of today’s audio professionals.
“A systematic approach to sound system tuning”
“Understanding measurement and room acoustics is the key to effective equalization.” – Pat Brown
In a direct, systematic and orderly approach, this course covers the core concepts of measurement and room acoustics and applies them to the equalization process. This course will improve your proficiency on a simple 1/3-oct RTA or an advanced PC-based measurement system.
18 RUs | 18 CEDIA CEUs
This course replicates the Course 130 material but includes additional lectures that address the finer points of measurement, filters, and the system tuning process.
If you are ready for a deeper understanding of electro-acoustic measurements this course is for you. Additional lectures on phase, group delay, wavelets, IIR and FIR filters are included.
This course is an excellent prep for training on specific measurement platforms.
22 RUs | 22 CEDIA CEUs
What you’ll get:
✅ Equalization: 39 instructional videos, demos, and case studies
✅ Advanced EQ: 22 additional instructional videos
✅ Access to the training for 45 days
✅ Video transcriptions & instructional images
✅ Quiz after each lesson to test you knowledge.
✅ Certificate of Completion
✅ Course 130 – EQ: 18 RUs | 18 CEDIA CEUs
Course 210 – Adv. EQ: 22 RUs | 22 CEDIA CEUs
PLUS! 1-year SynAudCon Membership which includes access to exclusive, members-only forum.
An optimized equalization process.
This course will answer these questions and more.
Course 130 – Equalization
Course 210 – Advanced Equalization – It addition to the above questions, it will also answer the below questions.
The last lesson in this course “connects the dots” between all of the concepts presented by walking through some case studies.
The principles are universal and apply to all loudspeakers, DSPs, and measurement platforms.
This question often comes up, “Should I take both courses?” The answer is “no”. Course 210 – Advanced Equalization has Course 130: Equalization content with additional lectures. Looking the detailed course outline will help you with your decision.
View or download a detailed course outline of both courses.
Course Materials for you to keep include video transcriptions and the course manual PDF. Both are great resources for reviewing what you have learned.
The course is for experienced audio practitioners. We recommend a skill level consistent with graduates of our Course 50, Course 100, and Course 120.
Check out some example videos in tab 3.
The internet, and Google specifically, can be a great resource; providing a vast ocean of information only a quick search away. However, as anyone can quickly realize – you may get several different answers to your question. Some answers are in complete opposition to one another and others are just plain wrong!
As an audio professional, it is imperative you have the right answer – each and every time. There is no room for opinions when the client or your job hangs in the balance. SynAudCon training is based on physics, first principles, and a strong consensus among audio professionals.
Watch two example videos from these courses.
Instructional Video on Diffused Field Spectrum
Lecture video on Group Delay.
Pat Brown is a 1978 graduate of the University of Louisville with a degree in electrical engineering technology. With a background as a musician, sound technician, retail music store owner, contractor, and consultant, he is familiar with the many aspects of audio. He served as an associate instructor to audio legend and SynAudCon founder, Don Davis. Pat along with his wife Brenda own and operate SynAudCon and have been providing training for the audio industry since 1996. Pat, the main instructor for SynAudCon, has the unique gift of being able to share his knowledge of complex technical topics in an easy-to-understand real world manner through multi-media demonstrations. SynAudCon is recognized as an industry leader in audio education.
SynAudCon offers both in-person and online audio training. There are regularly scheduled in-person seminars and special one-time events on audio-related topics. With the release of the online training in 2010, SynAudCon training is now more accessible worldwide.
Pat writes articles for several publications. He authored three chapters for Glen Ballou’s “Handbook for Sound Engineers”and is co-author of Sound System Engineering 4th Edition. He considers SynAudCon online audio training courses as his most complete “book”, being able to explain the concepts and principles with animations and demonstrations.
He was chosen as NSCA “Educator of the Year” in 2005 and NSCA “Mover and Shaker” Award in 2011. He received Great Britain “Peter Barnett” Award in 2012.
SynAudCon has given private seminars to many companies and organizations, including the Kennedy Space Center, Disney World, Sea World, IMAX, Purdue University, the US military, Siemens and many audio manufacturers. He has conducted seminars in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, China, Thailand, Philippines, Singapore, South America, Australia and Canada.
Pat and Brenda Brown founded a second business in 2005 – Pro Sound Testing, Inc. Pro Sound Testing measures loudspeakers to produce data files for use in room acoustics modeling programs. Pro Sound Testing was the first company of its kind in the USA. The experience of developing a measurement facility and measuring hundreds of loudspeakers from dozens of manufacturers has allowed him to develop some methodologies and specifications that have influenced a number of industry standards.
Get to know Pat better in this 10 minute interview.
How long will it take me to compete this course?
I hate to use the words “it depends” but is really does. It depends on your level of experience. The more experience people will complete it in a few hours. Those new to audio may take weeks as they may rather learn in bite-size pieces.
Here is a brief layout of the course.
Course 130: Equalization consists of 13 lessons. Course 210: Advanced Equalization consists of 15 lessons. After each lesson, you may take a quiz. Each quiz has about 10 questions. The questions help you apply the principles that are taught.
After completing the lessons and quizzes, you may take a final exam. The final exam is about 30 questions. With a passing score, you will receive a certificate of completion and CEU’s.
You will have 3 opportunities to pass the final exam. 80% is the passing score.
I’ve taken Course 130 – Equalization, but now I would like to take Course 210 – Advanced Equalization.
If taken within the same year, contact Brenda at 812-923-0174. The cost will be $100 and the rewarding RUs will be 4 RUs.
We are developing an educational path for our employees. How does SynAudCon fit into this?
You will love this feature. SynAudCon online training is part of a Learning Management System which allows for tracking. Education supervisors may check the employee’s progress, along with their quiz and final exam scores.
Is there a time limit on watching the online training?
You will have 45 days to complete the course. The 45-day clock begins on the day that the course key is activated. If you need more time, no problem. Brenda will gladly extend it for you.
We want you to get the most from this learning opportunity. We would much rather extend it than for you to rush through the course.
What course materials can I keep after the course?
Training video text.
Lesson Graphics which are great for note-taking.
These resources are comparable to a course manual if you were attending an in-person seminar.
Will I receive a certificate?
Of course. After passing the final exam, a certificate of completion will be emailed to you within one business day. The certificate will include the information that you will need for the Continuing Education Units.
How do I ask questions while I am taking this training?
We have created a support forum for our online training. You may post your questions there.
If you are little uncomfortable with this approach, please email us directly. We will make every effort to answer your questions within 24 hours.
Tell me about the purchasing process.
The online cart will request the credit card information. Add the name on the credit card, (not the person taking the training.) An automated email will be sent to the email address used in the purchasing process. If you do not get the confirmation, check your SPAM filter. The message will be coming from bbrown at prosoundtraining.com
The email will include:
✅ Credit card receipt
✅ Activation key to the training
✅ Directions to activate the key.
Forward the activation key with the directions to the person taking the training. The directions are quite easy but the learner can always call 812-923-0174 if help is needed.
May I share the video content I buy with others?
Purchased online training content is intended only for the learner who will be taking the course. Sharing SynAudCon online training is a violation of the terms and conditions of this site. All actions are logged and monitored, and this policy is strictly enforced.
We appreciate your cooperation in this as it allows us to actively develop new material and keep the price low for everyone.
With respect to their privacy, we will only list their initials.
I’m a few decades into my audio career, so there was a lot of review in this course for me. However, there was some knowledge that was missing, and this course filled in the gaps and tied it all together. I’ve always wondered if I would get much out of a SynAudCon. The price is not unreasonable, but high enough that I hesitated. I’m glad I finally pulled the trigger and I wish I had done it sooner. B.M. (took Course 210)
Very informative but would have liked real work example to be shown with the sections and not at the end. T.M.
Pat is a great instructor. I learn a lot from every course I take. B.D.
I should have listened to Brenda and allowed more time. S.S.
I thought it was great. I will start the advanced EQ course to build on what I learned here. B.D.
Very informative, I am expecting to receive another online course from SynAudCon. S.H.
Great Information!! D.C.
I learned more in this course than I was expecting to learn. R.F.
Good demos. V.M.
Very enjoyable. No fluff, all meat. No wasted time. Pat says more with fewer words than most anyone I know. T.K.
The course flow was clear and concise and the user interface helped a lot. I really enjoyed the case studies. C.M.
Pat’s explanation of Phase “clicked” for me today, in a way it never has before. Also, the discussion of speaker placement is a game changer for me and my work. It will drastically improve the conversations I have with my customers and the advice and design skills I can provide them. S.R.
This course reinforced many concepts I have been utilizing. More importantly it provided greater clarity and explained not just how to do certain things, but also why. The phase vs signal delay example with the springs was very insightful. A.D.
Great course as always from SynAudCon, its always exciting learning new concepts and re-learning fundamentals that have fallen out from memory over time. P.E.
For me as an electronics engineer, it was a great addition to my studies in the practical application of signal processing in the audio sector. The course has a great structure and I really enjoyed attending it. M.S.
Great in depth course on equalizing. It’s great to understand what’s actually happening under the hood when we add filters to a system. A. S.
Great course. I went to UNC School of the Arts and graduated with a Bachelors degree in Sound Design and Technology, and this course is like you crammed an entire semester of learning into one course. I found it extremely informative. most of the class was recapping but it has been 4 years since I took the most adjacent class in college so it was a fantastic refresher. There was also much more emphasis on some of the more specific issues regarding phase. That has really helped my understanding of the topic. I really enjoyed it and will be excited to take more. R.A. (Took Course 210)
I found myself very often having thoughts like “ah, of course” or “that makes so much sense”. The course presented material that many would find very intimidating in a way that is easily digestible. I went through the course quickly to get a handle on the concepts with the intent of reviewing each section again focusing on the nuances of each concept. J.S.
I loved the studies at the end of the course. M.S.
Overall the content was great, Pat does a great job breaking down and demonstrating complex concepts and giving real world examples. I could have used a more in depth discussion of the concept of group delay. Also it would be nice to see some examples of the Systune and/or Smaart platforms in practice, as these are probably the most widely used measurement platforms among audio engineers and integrator in my experience. (Also these two are specifically called out on many consultant specifications as well). M.F.
As always, great content! M.T.
This was good. I really enjoyed the depth of the content and how Pat can take complex topics and translate them into something that’s easier to understand. M.S.
My favorite part was demo. It really helped me a lot. More demo will be great!! I learned what I wanted to learn. Can’t wait next course. S.L.
I learn a lot of EQ from this course. This course is a very educated and full of information. D.M.
Detailed course. Did go over my head a few times however. B.G.
Useful information combining theory with practical field use of learned concepts. R.S.
A lot of information and not enough real world application or examples. A.M.
This course was intense but highly educational. It provided a challenging learning environment that pushed me to expand my knowledge and skills. A.P.D.
Amazing, quite an in-depth course, very useful. Everyone in this industry should go through this. A.B.
This course is very well put together and keeps your interest. C.P.
Great deep dive into EQing. Definitely tons of valuable gems in these lessons. Thank you guys as always for the knowledge dump! I would like to have access to some of these videos as a reference when I’m setting up DSPs. not sure if that’s an option once the lessons close out. Of course, I know I can reach out to Brenda to ask for this but it would be great to be able to reference these quickly in the field.
A big thank you to Pat, yourself, and the SynAudCon team for providing the industry with this valuable knowledge base. I am looking forward to completing the remaining trainings in the near future and further enhancing my skillset. N.J.
I learned so much about this course and I find so very easy to understand because of the visuals presentations and challenging also in answering quizzes. A.D.
Thanks for putting together the course! This was an excellent refresher on a lot of the principles for me. T.H.
The course was fantastic. I learned quite a lot. L.M.
Great program for situational applications. Makes you think. R.R.
This was great, especially some of the advanced, later lessons on phase, group delay, and wavelets. It really helped hammer home some of the concepts that I feel have been at the border of my understanding for years 🙂 I.S.
I have always enjoyed taking part in both the in-person and online courses that SynAudCon provides. Pat’s instructional approach makes the subject matter clear and concise, and he empowers and encourages his student to pursue additional learning on their own. The materials presented give the student the necessary tools to comprehend complex, sometimes ambiguous topics, moving from the theoretical to the actual application of the information conveyed. I REALLY enjoy the courses that I have taken to date. L.S.
This course addresses a complex topic in an in-depth manner. It is kept understandable by Pat Brown’s carefully designed curriculum, obvious passion for the subject matter, and his expertise therein. His ability to meld theory with practical application means I not only learned “how”, but also “why”.
A real bonus is that the course provided information that I was able to put to use immediately. The demonstrations and case studies alone are worth the price of admission, and the entire course itself would be a bargain at twice the price. Simply top-notch! D.D.
Really enjoyed the course especially the case studies! C.M.
I really got a lot of out of this. The illustrations really do help drive home the concepts. N.D.
Very well done. I always prefer in-classroom setting. But this format preserved that feel more than expected with the mix of lectures, graphics, and demonstrations. C.N.
I really liked the addition of Pat’s lectures. These were far more engaging than just slides and voice overs, this is a welcome change. N.K.
Course 210 – Really enjoyed the case studies but would liked to have seen some more complex scenarios and different venues. Especially regarding time alignment for LCR, front fills and delays etc. For me, seeing how you would approach system tuning for various venues and seeing the challenges you face is one of the best parts. This is where I can see all the theory we have learnt come into play.
This course has a wealth of knowledge in it, it will be something I come back to often as a refresher or just to learn something new. J.T.
May I have another week extension on the course please? I’m so enjoying it, I would hate to not finish! J.S.
I enjoyed the course, video content is informative and easy to understand. A.M.
Give my best to Pat and keep up the excellent educational work. It is so needed in the world of audio. This industry owes the two of you a great debt for carrying on with this cause. T. B.
Your comment: WOW! So much information… its a little intimidating! I also really enjoyed the demo’s Pat did, which helps apply the theory we learn in lessons prior. I am very much a “Do it” kind of learner, rather than classroom lectures, so I appreciate the demos! B.M.
This is a very valuable course. I see some things in here that I heard first in the Salt Lake City Equalisation course and it builds on what I learned there. I am liking the tools that you are using. I have mostly been working with Easra and Arta and getting great results in the EQ process. N.P.
I enjoyed a lot the last training I took about Course 210 – Advanced EQ that’s why I am back to take Course 300. 😊 D. G.
I loved the pace of the course. Pat does a phenomenal job explaining the fundamentals. I would prefer to see more of the live stuff that includes measurement and optimization of systems on site. S.K.
It was the best course off of the top of other courses for me, and very good explanation on phase and group delay, as well as the time windowing function on the algorithm. J.K.
I enjoyed the case studies which represented real world conditions. J.G.
It was a great review course for me! The explanation of phase rotation vs. time was well done. The coils and the roulette wheel. The demo of using FIR capture to evaluate room modes was of great value to me. R.G.
It was very useful to have time shown in the teaching area as well as real world measurements. The use of multiple brands and platforms was very welcome. T.K.
Everything was presented in a very structured manner that seemed to progress very logically with great visual aids to back things up which made everything very easy to follow. D.E.
I really like the “real world” examples you show in videos. I like when you record videos of you doing the actual work that you talk about in the class. I also like how you have both the Lesson Text and videos of the Lesson Text. J.G.
This is a good course, and helps a lot on a daily work of a audio engineer. M.G.
Very much enjoying the training, exceptionally well put together. M.M.
It is full of very useful information! There were techniques in the lessons that I will put to practice now. Just keep doing this as I am now going to deploy a whole new process for EQ’ing and setting up a system. D.T.
This course was pack with very informational content and lectures which helped a lot. It helped me learn and visualize each lessons. Awesome training videos. Z.V.
Perhaps you could do some live online instruction where participants could interact and say, “what would happen if you did this?”. Your training is superior to any “live” training because of the depth and the ability to proceed in a very logical path from beginning to end, without the sometimes free form discussion that often ends up with everyone including the instructor scratching his head and wondering why something did not work as expected. This can sometimes be good but often is wasted time and leads to gaps in the material covered because of time constraints. However, sometimes students (me) need to see it done a slightly different way or even the wrong way to see why the correct way works. So in a nutshell, the recorded lessons with a rigid learning path are great, but then supplemental “live” content that is linked with key concepts already covered in the recorded sessions could be scheduled to allow students to participate and interact with you while seeing the parameters and results changed. I know you do some of this in your live courses but I think it could be modified to fit into the online format with a little modification.
I really like the case studies and the demos using DSP to illustrate concepts. This is the missing link for many of us who can read it and maybe even look at a graphic, but really can’t picture what would happen in practice or perhaps how the technique would be implemented in practice. Experiential learning is awesome, but of course requires more work and planning, and I appreciate the effort. J.C.
Good translation of an in-person class into online training. E.W.
Very good, I feel there might need to be a primer course of some kind. I already know a good bit about system tuning and was able to learn some new things from you, but if I was truly a beginner, I might have struggled. M.W.
I agree with you 100%. SynAudCon courses are similar to college courses. The lower level courses (Course 50 and Course 100) lay the foundational principles of the upper level courses. We urge everyone to take the self-evaluation quizzes to make sure they are ready for the upper level courses if they plan to skip the lower level courses. Brenda Brown SynAudCon
Thank you very much. I would most definitely like to take advantage of the membership. I met you and Pat last year at Infocomm in Orlando during EQ Demystified training. I can not say enough how much I enjoyed the class, and Pat’s approach to teaching as well as your charm. You two are wonderful! R.B.
Really great job. I can tell how much time you prepare into making it precise and appreciate how you find a way to make the complicated topics easier to understand with demos.
I really can’t think of anything you’re not covering, but am looking forward to the live classes. I miss the one on one interaction, but the online allows so much more material to be covered and the quality is definitely not lacking online. F.C.
I am glad I took this course and it is a great crash course to understanding topics like time windowing. the combination of images and real-world examples really help drive home the application of these concepts to the real world as opposed to being in academic theory all day. A.K.
Loved it! I’ve never really had a good understanding of phase. I’m not sure I really have a good understanding of it now either, but I definitely have a better understanding of it! I’m going to go back and re-watch those videos over the next week. J.K.
I very much appreciate the clear verbiage of complicated concepts, as well as the repeated keywords. It helped drill the concepts in for me. D.E.
This is a very good course. Love the practical video’s!
– Playing with RTA’s during the training , maybe it is interesting to add the dBA/dBC theory? R.V.
Very well done! F.P.
“The course was very good but a lot of hands on practice is needed to understand the concepts better.” S.S. We agree with you 100%. Putting it into practice is what brings all the principles to life.
Well structured, easy to understand. J.E.
The information was clear and concise. I think not being in a lab type environment misses out on the immediate hands-on nature of this topic. R.H.
Yes I agree with this. I hope you can spend a day on a job site to implement these principles It’s doing it so you can see and hear the “cause and effect” that brings it to life. Brenda Brown
Lots of great information, thoroughly and plainly explained. Though it was said to be software-agnostic, it does seem to lean heavily on FIR Capture (which does seem like a pretty useful software, admittedly). K.E.
And thank you to Pat for such a great course. We will definitely be putting some of our Field Applications Engineers through Course 210 but more likely Course 130. While I’ve enjoyed in person SynAudCon classes in the past this allowed me to do things at my own pace which was helpful to go back, and re-watch/re-read. L.F.
I loved the content in this course. There is math and physics that I haven’t considered since college. That being said, the question about ‘Which time window will have the best low frequency resolution’ was a real thinker, and I wound up guessing on the second time around the exam. L.F.
For me everything is perfect, just positive comments. M.L.
LOTS of good information in this course. It is just a lot to take in. Z.W.
Perfect! A.L.
Course 130 – Equalization
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Course 210 – Advanced Equalization
Did this course meet your expectations?
Was the course worth the price?
How would you rate the training on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the best?
Phone: 812-923-0174
Synergetic Audio Concepts, Inc.
Located in Southern Indiana USA
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