Lakewood Church Revisted
Lakewood Church is the largest house of worship in the US. The Heard's own Russ Berger was instrumental in its transformation from a basketball arena to an auditorium. These room impulse responses allow you to listen to the space, analyze the data, and take a virtual visit to one of the best-behaved arena-sized spaces in the world.
Impulse vs. Sine Sweep Response
What's the best way to get room data? Some advocate impulsing the room with balloons or starter's pistols. Others prefer using swept sine waves. Don sheds some light on this old argument with some reminders about each method's susceptibility to amplitude non-linearities.
Your First Measurement Rig…
Many first-time buyers of measurement systems are confused by the multitude of choices in the marketplace. This article will help you sort through the offerings and spend your money wisely.
The Room Reverberation Time – RT
Modern measurement systems and Standards add both clarity and confusion to the determination of the reverberation time of a space.
Measured Acoustic Data on Oklahoma City Civic Center Music Hall
The Oklahoma City Civic Center Music Hall is rated as one of the top 3 in the USA. Syn-Aud-Con takes a tour, and provides some measured data for experimentation.
Post-Processing to get Sound Pressure Level " SPL "
Multichannel wave files provide an SPL history of the event.
Point Source Loudspeaker / Line Array Comparison
By Pat Brown
Pat Brown collected measured data and compared a…
And Another Loudspeaker Array Study
By Pat Brown
This is the latest of a series of measured vs predicted…
By Charlie Hughes
Charlie gives an overview and capabilities…
More on iPhone – Can a Cell Phone Be An Audio Analyzer?
Tools of the Trade - By Pat Brown
Can a Cell Phone Be An Audio…