Basic Definitions of Integrating SPL Meters
A Do-it-Yourself Guide to Computing the Speech Transmission Index
By Farrel Becker
In this article, Farrel Becker shares the steps…
Acoustic Measurements Without Computers
By Pat Brown
In this article, Pat Brown shows how to record acoustic…
Early Decay Time – Wrap Up
By Pat Brown
In this article, Pat Brown addresses some subtleties…
Early Decay Time as a System Performance Benchmark
By Pat Brown and Peter Mapp
In this article Pat Brown and Peter…
Measured vs. Predicted Loudspeaker Array Response
Many designers use arrayed loudspeakers to cover the audience. Computer modeling must be used to determine the array behavior. This study compares the measured vs. predicted response of a 3-horn array.
The Bigger Picture on Equalization
By Pat Brown
Equalization of a loudspeaker is usually done on-axis. …
Axial Sensitivity – Sense and Sensitivity
By Jeremy Johnston
One of the many specifications included in…
Sound Sources for RT Measurements
What's the best way to measure reverb times? Balloon pops? Omni loudspeakers? This article compares multiple source types and presents some surprising conclusions that can greatly simplify the RT collection process.
Human Processing of Reflected Sound
This is another perspective on the significance of reverberation time and early-decay time, and the relationship between the two.