Can a Reflection Be Equalized?
Pat Brown answers the question, "Can a reflection be equalized?".…
GratisVolver Pro™ Streamlines Your Workflow
by Pat Brown
GratisVolver Pro™ is a major upgrade to a powerful,…
8 Reasons You Should Be Using B-Format for Room Measurements
One thing that has hampered B4 development is that few entities were directly making money with the format.
Do microphone reflection filters really work?
by Steve Liddle
Do microphone reflection filters really work?…
Can the Half-Dodec Provide Another Option for Room Acoustics Testing?
The half-dodec can provide another option to get the room acoustics…
Test Equipment for Commissioning a Sound System
Overview of Test Equipment for Commissioning a Sound System
Directivity Reference for System Design
by Pat Brown
The key to working in the field of audio and acoustics…
Techny Session #3 – Passive Line Arrays
by Pat Brown
Passive line array study at Techny Towers.
Tectonic Loudspeakers at Techny Towers
by Pat Brown
This article will go in several different directions.…