More About Square Waves and DC Content

By Charlie Hughes In this article, Charlie takes square waves…

How to Build a Big Dummy Load

By Pat Brown An upcoming amplifier measurement project motivated…

DSP Control Via Ethernet – How do you “talk” to a DSP via the Ethernet port

By Dave Rosenbloom How do you “talk” to a DSP via the Ethernet…

DSP Comparsion – Configuring a 3-Way Loudspeaker (Part 3)

By Pat Brown DSP Comparsion - Configuring a 3-Way Loudspeaker.…

DSP Comparison – If They Sound Different, They Are Different… (Part 1)

By Pat Brown How do DSPs compare? Pat Brown decided to test…

De-barring a Power Amp

We recently acquired an amp from a private source that has obviously spent most of its life in a bar, as it has a strong smell of cigarettes. How can I clean this amp?