CLF News
By Pat Brown
The Common Loudspeaker File Format provides a cross-platform…
Why all the Fuss About Power? The Equivalent Amplifier Size – Part 2
By Pat Brown
Pat Brown provides a logical and defensible method…
SynAudCon IR Exchange
By Pat Brown
The SynAudCon IR Exchange was formed to provide…
GratisVolver™ – Convolution for the Rest of US…
By Pat Brown
GratisVolver™ is a software convolution program.…
CLF News – Common Loudspeaker File Format Released
By Pat Brown
Common Loudspeaker File Format is the result of…
Do-It-Yourself Cardioid Sub
By Dale Shirk
Dale Shirk helps us to understand the principles…
What is Waving and Why? The Anatomy of the Wave Equation – Part 2
By Dr. Eugene Patronis
In the first article in this series we learned the compositional properties of the gaseous mixture known as dry air as it exists under standard atmospheric conditions.
De-barring a Power Amp
We recently acquired an amp from a private source that has obviously spent most of its life in a bar, as it has a strong smell of cigarettes. How can I clean this amp?
External Audio Interface – Which Should I Buy?
By Pat Brown and Jeremy Johnston
In order to measure audio with…
What is the Common Loudspeaker File Format (CLF)?
By Pat Brown
The Common Loudspeaker File Format provides well-defined…