Loudspeaker Toaster – An Abbreviated Loudspeaker Power Test

By Pat Brown Pat Brown presents an abbreviated loudspeaker power…

A Downloadable Speech Track… The Royer Track

By Pat Brown All Posts SynAudCon provides an downloadable…

DSP Comparsion – Configuring a 3-Way Loudspeaker (Part 3)

By Pat Brown DSP Comparsion - Configuring a 3-Way Loudspeaker.…

What's a DLL – Line Array Predictions vs Measurement (Part 2)

By Pat Brown Pat Brown examines line array predictions and how…

Sorensen Sez… Can a Boom Stop a Swirl?

By Jim SorensenThere’s something fascinating about science,…

Unwinding Distribution Transformers

By Paul Matthews You will also learn why transformers are often…

Composite Bass Tone-Burst Test Track

D. B. (Don) Keele, Jr., Sept. 16, 2004 (Revised Aug. 29, 2005),…

CLF News

The Common Loudspeaker File format (CLF) continues to gain acceptance…

Static Sensitive

By Ray Rayburn Ray Rayburn provides an excellent tutorial for…

DSP Comparison – If They Sound Different, They Are Different… (Part 1)

By Pat Brown How do DSPs compare? Pat Brown decided to test…