Quickie Fan-Shaped Room Using – Google Sketchup
By Pat Brown
This article will show you a step-by-step approach…
Describing Inside the Box from Outside the Box
Campbell's Corner - By Dick Campbell
This is a fun article.…
The World's First Electronic Bass Trap for Room Modes
By Pat Brown
All rooms are plagued by room modes. Bag End Loudspeakers…
Sorensen Sez… Numbers
By Jim SorensenDoc Gene Patronis sort of peripherally introduced…
What is Waving and Why? The Anatomy of the Wave Equation – Part 1
By Dr. Eugene PatronisThis is the first of what hopefully will…
Balanced Ipod Output
By Pat Brown
In this article, Pat Brown will show you a little…
Measurement Mics – How Close Are They?
By Pat Brown
Pat Brown did some tests and compared some popular…
It Ain't Just Dirt… Grounding for Safety – Part 1
Theory and Practice - By Dale Shirk
“Ground” is a term that…
Sorensen Sez…First Audio Job
By Jim Sorensen
Jim Sorensen tells about his first audio job…
Portable Room Recorders – How do they compare?
By Pat Brown
Pat Brown compares four portable room recorders…