Portable Power? Will a Flashlight do the Job?

By Joe Nickell Joe Nickell shares a clever way to get portable…

Meaningful Metrics – The Use and Abuse of Loudspeaker Power Ratings

By Pat Brown Pat Brown brings some clarification to loudspeaker…

This is Your Brain on Boundary Element Modeling (BEM)

Campbell's Corner - By Dick Campbell Dick Campbell gives an overview…

What is Waving and Why? The Anatomy of the Wave Equation – Part 3

By Dr. Eugene Patronis At the conclusion of the second article…

What is Waving and Why? The anatomy of the Wave Equation-Part 4

By Dr. Eugene PatronisAt the conclusion of the third article…

Subnet Masks: Organizing the Network Neighborhood

Thinking Digitally - Steve Macatee Steve Macatee helps us to…

Sorensen Sez… – Digital Transmission

By Jim Sorensen Digital transmission is much misunderstood and…

The Oil Drop Experiment Finally Updated

In 1910, Robert Millikan of the University of Chicago announced that he and Harvey Fletcher had developed a successful means of isolating and measuring the charge of an electron. This became known as “the oil drop experiment” and won Millikan a Nobel prize in Physics in 1923.

Sorensen Sez…Importance of Names

by Jim SorensenThe recent “competition” for a name for the…

What Happens When the Power Goes Off?

Theory and Practice - By Dale Shirk Dale Shirk answers this question,…