What the Heck am I doing here??!!

Reading this blog entry is not guaranteed to excuse you from going to Confession.

Principles of Audio Online Course Now Available!

This course presents the fundamental principles essential for understanding audio at all levels. We start with a walk though the sound system signal chain, and then present the knowledge tools necessary to understand how it works.

Information, What is it?

On the Shoulders of Giants - By Don Davis One of the reasons…

Understanding electricity means understanding "The Field"

Plumbing analogies have been used to explain the operation of electrical circuits for over a century. While fine for an introduction to the subject, the truth is that the current doesn't flow down the wire like water through a pipe. The key to understanding circuit and transmission line behavior is to understand "The Field".

The Reach of Physics in our Lives

When we look at the world around us through the eyes of physics, we are looking into ourselves. Don Davis provides some perspective.

The Origin of Consciousness

By Don Davis3-31-10Human beings are held “captive” by the…

A Thought From Dick Campbell

I have been watching SAC since the beginning when it was founded.

Take a walk in Loudspeaker Park with me – Part 4

This series of articles demystifies the loudspeaker impedance curve, vented enclosure design and other aspects of loudspeaker behavior. It's a "must read" for anyone wanting to understand the inner workings of loudspeaker systems.

Measure a Sub, Place a Sub… Things to consider to control Room Modes

Want to wreck the response of a subwoofer? Just place it in a room. Here are some ways to measure and improve your sub's performance.

Using Limiters to Help Protect Loudspeakers

By Charlie Hughes In this article, Charlie Hughes will help you…