W.I.R.E. from SAC Newsletter Spring 1993

Ohms law is expressed as: E = IR and W = EI The potential…

Phase Distortion and other news from SAC Summer of 1982

From SynAudCon Newsletter Volume 9 Number 4 Summer 1982 PHASE…

Tunnel RT60 & STI vs length.

By Peter Patrick Dear All, I've been having some fun modeling…

Loudspeaker Power Ratings – Why all the Fuss About Power?

By Pat Brown Loudspeaker power ratings is a confusing topic in…

Building Information Modeling (BIM)

by Russ Gentner Russ gives a brief explanation of Building Information…

It Ain't Just Dirt… Grounding to Reduce Hum and Buzz – Part 2

Theory and Practice - By Dale Shirk In this article I will discuss…

That RT60 Metric

By Peter Patrick There is a lot of confusion about the Metric…

Loudspeaker Pairs – How Close Are They?

Tools of the Trade - By Pat Brown Does two like loudspeakers…

Going Out on a Limb

By Dr Eugene Patronis The digital revolution began in earnest…

Large Room Acoustics

The Louisville, KY Sound Reinforcement for Designers attendees visited a 9600-seat church auditorium on the first evening of the class. We took the opportunity to collect some room measurements using an omni source and a 12-inch 2-way loudspeaker. Compare the listener seats by opening the room data in your measurement program for a few surprises.