Which Impedance? Nominal Minimum / Maximum Average

By Pat Brown This article addresses three dominant reasons for…

Using All Pass Filters to Improve Directivity Response

By Charlie Hughes In this article, Charlie will how all pass…

Common Loudspeaker Format (CLF) News

By Pat Brown An update on Common Loudspeaker Format (CLF) . The…

Constant-Beamwidth Transducer (CBT) Arrays

Don Keele, Jr. is at it again. His CBT line array has interesting and useful radiation properties. This introduction to the technology with get you thinking about possible applications.

Reality Check! Are like make / model loudspeakers consistent?

How consistent are production loudspeakers? Measured data is used to compare the responses of 12 units of the same make/model.

Lessons from the RF Analyzer

The proper instrument can allow the unseen to become observable. Dale uses his HP RF analyzer to demonstrate some wireless mic issues that audio people must deal with everyday.

Pseudo Stereo – When Stereo isn't possible or practical "spaciousness" may be an adequate substitute

When true stereo is not feasible or possible, “spaciousness” can be achieved with a relatively simple playback setup.

Compression Driver Specifications

Does a lower impedance driver have higher sensitivity? This case study gives some clues.

Loudspeaker Sensitivity – What's a Watt, Anyway?

Sensitivity and sound pressure level are not the same thing. Charlie shows why.

Post-Processing to get Sound Pressure Level " SPL "

Multichannel wave files provide an SPL history of the event.