Line Array Limitations
Knowing the line array limitations is the key to using them properly.
Interpolated Balloons
By Jeremy Johnston
Jeremy Johnston addresses this question, "What…
Why Use a "70.7 Volt" System?
By Pat Brown
Pat Brown answers this question, Why Use a "70.7…
Time or Frequency?
Theory and Practice by Dale Shirk
Dale Shirk will help us get…
Ideal vs Real Loudspeaker Directivity
By Pat Brown
Understanding the ideal loudspeaker directivity…
Measured vs. Predicted Loudspeaker Array Response
Many designers use arrayed loudspeakers to cover the audience. Computer modeling must be used to determine the array behavior. This study compares the measured vs. predicted response of a 3-horn array.
The Magic Behind Multi-Pattern Mics
Theory and Practice - By Dale Shirk
This article will take a…
The Bigger Picture on Equalization
By Pat Brown
Equalization of a loudspeaker is usually done on-axis. …
Axial Sensitivity – Sense and Sensitivity
By Jeremy Johnston
One of the many specifications included in…
What's a DLL? and when do I need one?
By Pat Brown
This article addresses some specifics of the direct…