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By Ethan Wetzell Ethan shares some insight on proper ways to…

Information Technology Comes Full Circle

by Pat Brown Information Technology - Pat Brown recommends a…

A Few Words from an Industry Veteran- Charlie Baxley

Hello SynAudCon Members, I recently received a note from Charlie…

Smart Meters

By Jim Sorensen Jim Sorensen shares his insights on smart meters…

Live Sound Communications Techniques

By Kent Margraves Live Sound Communications Techniques: Kent…

Some ways to deal with problems during the construction.

By Ray Rayburn It is not unusual for problems to arise during…

Hearing Loss…after "A Soundman's Biggest Nightmare."

By Jim Sorensen There has been a sort of intriguing dichotomous…

Measurement: Practice Make Perfect – Part 2

by Pat Brown This is a continuation of Measurement: Practice…

New Technology – Encouraging words from Bill Sellers

By Bill Sellers Challenges are nothing new. Bill Sellers urges…

It started out simply enough….

by Jim Sorensen Someone asked what the maximum level into a…