Sorensen Sez… – Digital Transmission

By Jim Sorensen Digital transmission is much misunderstood and…

CD-Quality Gets Some Respect

By Dennis Bohn - Rane Corporation This article will answer this…

Phase Response and Receive Delay

By Charlie Hughes Some time-of-flight compensation guidelines…

Where do I plug Input Type Connectors In?

By Pat Brown Pat Brown takes the commonly used input type connectors…

DSP Control Via Ethernet – How do you “talk” to a DSP via the Ethernet port

By Dave Rosenbloom How do you “talk” to a DSP via the Ethernet…

DSP Comparsion – Configuring a 3-Way Loudspeaker (Part 3)

By Pat Brown DSP Comparsion - Configuring a 3-Way Loudspeaker.…

DSP Comparison – If They Sound Different, They Are Different… (Part 1)

By Pat Brown How do DSPs compare? Pat Brown decided to test…

Digital Bloat – Is it here to stay?

A forum thread about DSP device complaints prompted this article.