And that's how they do that!
By Richard Campbell
“Bass in the Brain”
I own a Bose wave…
Acoustic Environments
Sound Diffusion Explained (Acoustics First)
Diffusion in simple…
Real-World Reverberation – PureVerb™
By Pat Brown
Learn about a software tool called PureVerb™ that…
Architectural Acoustics: Principals and Practice – A Review
By Dick Campbell
This book is comfort food for the inquisitive mind as well as the practicing professional. Even someone with a modicum of knowledge but with curious listening experiences can find a pertinent chapter, learn a few simple facts, read an essay with occasional calculations, or see a reality check with a case study.
Limiting Factors in Room Modeling
by Pat Brown
It's been about two decades since the the first use of computer ray tracing to approximate the room impulse response (RIR).
RIR prediction was a natural extension of previous work in the field of optics - a very important point that I will come back to.
Tunnel RT60 & STI vs length.
By Peter Patrick
Dear All,
I've been having some fun modeling…
Building Information Modeling (BIM)
by Russ Gentner
Russ gives a brief explanation of Building Information…
That RT60 Metric
By Peter Patrick
There is a lot of confusion about the Metric…
Large Room Acoustics
The Louisville, KY Sound Reinforcement for Designers attendees visited a 9600-seat church auditorium on the first evening of the class. We took the opportunity to collect some room measurements using an omni source and a 12-inch 2-way loudspeaker. Compare the listener seats by opening the room data in your measurement program for a few surprises.
2010 NFPA 72
By John Murray.
If anyone has a chart or formula for adding a higher noise level to STI results measured at a lower noise level, I would be most interested in using it