Panera Noise – Low Frequency Tone
By Pat BrownRecently I was having a morning coffee at the local…
Finding Reflection Direction using Polar ETC
By Dale Shirk
How do you find the surface that is causing the…
Recorded Sweeps of a Dome Room – Learn More About it's Acoustics.
Here are some recorded sweeps of a dome room. This will give…
Headphone Calibration for Auralization
By R.H. Campbell
This short piece by Dick Campbell, he addresses…
SynAudCon IR Exchange
By Pat Brown
The SynAudCon IR Exchange was formed to provide…
GratisVolver™ – Convolution for the Rest of US…
By Pat Brown
GratisVolver™ is a software convolution program.…
What is Waving and Why? The Anatomy of the Wave Equation – Part 2
By Dr. Eugene Patronis
In the first article in this series we learned the compositional properties of the gaseous mixture known as dry air as it exists under standard atmospheric conditions.
What is the Common Loudspeaker File Format (CLF)?
By Pat Brown
The Common Loudspeaker File Format provides well-defined…
What is Waving and Why – The Anatomy of the Wave Equation – Part 6
By Dr. Eugene Patronis
In part 5 of this series we employed…