Absorption Coefficients Clarification
By Pat Brown
Pat Brown helps the reader understand more about…
Ideal vs Real Loudspeaker Directivity
By Pat Brown
Understanding the ideal loudspeaker directivity…
Small Room LF Design Dimensions or Ratios?
By: Jeff D. Szymanski, PEFor at least the past 6 decades, acousticians…
What's a DLL? and when do I need one?
By Pat Brown
This article addresses some specifics of the direct…
Fixing the Drywall Box
A low budget solution to a common acoustical problem
Theory and…
"In Situ" Absorption Coefficients – Part 2
The best data comes from actual measurements. The acoustical absorption of a surface can be measured “in situ” with almost any measurement system. Here is a method and some caveats.
Sound Sources for RT Measurements
What's the best way to measure reverb times? Balloon pops? Omni loudspeakers? This article compares multiple source types and presents some surprising conclusions that can greatly simplify the RT collection process.
Human Processing of Reflected Sound
This is another perspective on the significance of reverberation time and early-decay time, and the relationship between the two.
Lakewood Church Revisted
Lakewood Church is the largest house of worship in the US. The Heard's own Russ Berger was instrumental in its transformation from a basketball arena to an auditorium. These room impulse responses allow you to listen to the space, analyze the data, and take a virtual visit to one of the best-behaved arena-sized spaces in the world.
The Room Reverberation Time – RT
Modern measurement systems and Standards add both clarity and confusion to the determination of the reverberation time of a space.