Loudspeaker Maximums Part 2 – Peak SPL

Finding the Maximum Linear Peak Sound Pressure Level In the…

Musician’s Ear Plugs Comparison Study

Can sound be attenuated and the fidelity preserved using musician's…

Amplifier Sensitivity – Is Yours Optimized?

The amplifier's gain/sensitivity switch allows you to minimize…

Loudspeaker Maximums Part 1 – Continuous SPL

Have you ever tried to find a loudspeaker’s "maximums?" Here's…

The Effect of Mounting on Absorption

It's not just what you put on the wall or ceiling. The mounting…

CALCULATING Reverberation Time (RT)

Since the introduction of computerized acoustical analysis software,…

Seeing Sound

This is truly amazing.  Click on the link. Enjoy! "If you…

Why 8 Ohms?

Anyone who has messed with audio gear of any kind has run…

Line Array Realities

Line arrays are often stereotyped by how they behave at high…

Jabra Headset Microphone Comparison

In this audio demonstration, I am wearing two headset microphones.…