(With respect to their privacy, we will only list their initials.)
I am interested in continuing to take courses. This was helpful and informative. Love the details and the inclusion of multiple examples. Z.H.
Pat’s presentation style is thorough yet engaging, as always. A.T.
It was concise and Questions were not tricky and too the point.
Mr. Brown, as always, delivered a stellar experience through the use of course materials that helps to visually explain complex concepts. This helps me to digest and retain information. I continue to recommend SynAudCon to anyone in the AV Industry. A.T.
This course was great! The course provided a great amount of information that will help me in my day to day work. W.B.
The course was helpful. I’m NOT a fan of the final test. J.L.
I thought this was a great course to help me better understand applications of theory. I am coming in as an electrical engineer so while I have a decent understanding of how technically things work, now I have a better understanding on why people care about the the concepts that I’ve learned and how I can actually use them. S.C.
It was a great course as always! Would like to see some interactive material along with quizzes, maybe some virtual scenarios? M.F.
Very well done. Challenged me greatly! C.C.
I loved it, challenged any and all knowledge I had about DSP’s… also by far the BEST illustration and explanation of AEC ever created as a learning tool, KUDO’s Pat Brown. S.S.
I loved it, challenged any and all knowledge I had about DSP’s… also by far the BEST illustration and explanation of AEC ever created as a learning tool, KUDO’s Pat Brown. S.S.
Overall educational! I knew a lot of the material but didn’t know specifics for some subjects. A.S.
Love the visuals, they really help me put things together. E.P.
Full of information, I love the quizzes. S.M.
Plenty of great info. D.C.
This course had a lot of material that was new to me and took a little while to get my head around. There’s a lot of good information here but it’ll take a couple more viewings before it starts to stick. J.C.
It was fantastic…cleared up a lot of concepts despite being in the industry for so many years. H.M.
This was more difficult, not coming from a DSP background. Challenging and a ton of information. J.S.
Thanks for offering this course! I has been my favorite so far! D.W.
This course, as always is great stuff. For me there are always questions that are a bit confusing, however, when read slowly, make sense, eventually. My alert for paying more attention. W.V.
I generally enjoyed the course. I think that it might be of benefit to provide a deeper explanation of what you are looking at when looking at a chart on a transfer function. The amplitude response is not a problem, but I think looking at the phase response might be a bit of an issue. When looking at minimum phase response I do not think it is an issue, but when looking a linear phase response, it can be a little confusing if you have never looked at one before. N.L.
Well planned out course. This was very informative about filters I do not typically use in my current job. Design side of things, we do not deal with DSP interworking’s all the time. S.G.
Might have been a little too technical, however there was some good material. M.L.
Well paced, looking forward to 200. K.W.
Overall a good course, although I did feel like some of the test questions were not fully covered by the course material. S.M.
Great course and good pace to follow, liked the additional AEC on the end to reinforce what I have been working on in the field. R.J.
Good! S.C.
I heard about his course everywhere anyone talks about improving your audio skills. Maybe add some more practical examples or with more DSP software type examples. J.W.
It was a bit complicated with the various filters and crossover networks but very helpful and full of information.
Just a general thank you for everything – I needed multiple extensions due to time restrictions and you were quite amenable to my requests. I appreciate the dedication and thank you for putting this course together. A.H.
Once again I loved your course material. It has greatly expanded audio knowledge. P.P.
The downloadable pdfs are very helpful to follow along with (I find it helpful to read along), but it would be better if they weren’t just text. There are a lot of important graphics in the course, and so many of those should be included in the pdfs. Also, there are a few of the text sections that don’t match the videos (e.g., the AEC section has a whole initial part of the pdf that isn’t in the videos?). C.S.
It helped a lot for understanding AEC and ERL(E). I was finally able to have it click in my head. J.T.
Thank you for providing this course, along with all the others. The training quality is second to none. A.B.
Pat’s description of AEC is the easiest to understand I have ever come across. I immediately feel more confident working with them. Thank you! G.D.
Very well explained and taught, as usual. D.C.
Was a good course but better for someone starting out, introduction to DSP. R.P.
Thank you for this course. Very informative! J.Z.
I have taken many manufacturer specific DSP courses but this was the first to explain the “whys” in selecting suitable DSP block elements. B.B.
Too much information in one course. I.Z.
This was one of the most challenging online audio courses I’ve taken but because of that the most rewarding. R.E.
Great course, wish I had done it earlier in my career. R.M.
Course was straight forward and informative. L.C.
Only suggestion: pick up the pace a bit. I watched most videos at 1.5x speed, but that’s just me. M.K.
Thank you. I think this is the first time I got this request. Take this as a compliment. 😉 Brenda Brown
I thought it was an excellent course, the test was hard enough to ensure an understanding of the concepts. G.W.
This course has already been useful to me professionally, and I’ve found it very insightful and interesting. I.H.
Great content in bite-sized lessons. A.M.
Great course really helped grasp the full concept of a DSP file and its capabilities. S.C.
I feel that the final exam is not inline with the practice quizzes. The quizzes are much easier and the final takes you off guard. I had to take it 2x as I only got 69% or so the first round.
The final exam requires that you apply the principles presented in the course. This is a good indication that you understand the principles and will be able to apply them in your workplace. Brenda Brown
I actually enjoyed the Printable Lessons written part to go along the video explanations with the photos and analogies. it does complement the learning. G.G.
My thoughts are this course is well explained and I got something for it! M.P.
In the pdf you can download for notes. you cant use them as references for your exam as there is no images on them. so you had to watch the videos again. R.C.
That is true. With the continuous animations in the videos, it’s not possible to put them in the text. Brenda Brown
Course is not painful in any way – presents the information in a calm way as to not overwhelm. K.B.
Indeed, it was a busy couple of days going through the two courses. They were recommended to me by a colleague who has been through some of the courses, and I have to say it was a great refresher on many topics I’ve had exposure to throughout my career but still had questions about. The information was very helpful, and I will be practicing the concepts taught so I can further understand. I will be back for more once I’ve had a chance to let these two courses soak in. C.H.
I greatly enjoyed this course. It certainly provided the building blocks for DSP. It is hard to keep up with how fast DSP is moving and how manufacturers are offering their own versions. Thank you Brenda. I am so thankful to you and Pat for all you do for the community! B.L.
Thank you for offering these courses and having allowed us to take our time learning the modules at our pace. I really appreciate the extensions. S.R.
Maybe include a more interactive element/ lesson with Mr Brown and a longer time period for access to the videos after course.
I have a feeling you did not get my email reminders – I sent 3 messages offering an opportunity to extend the course. My reminders may be going to your spam folder.
I will gladly reactivate the course anytime for you to review – just send an email requesting it.
The way Learning Management Systems are set up is we pay per seat. We have thousands of grads. If 90% of them are sitting idle, it is not efficient use of our money. We would have to go up in our prices.
We chose to limit the time in the course (but extend and reactivate it for review for those who want it) to keep our prices down for the industry as a whole. Brenda Brown
I wanted to take the time to let you and Pat know how much your training has had an impact on my life. I’ve been an “audio enthusiast” for decades but only formally in the AV industry for a handful of years. Your training – which is well written, easy-to-understand, and makes important (or sometimes difficult) concepts simple, is one of the best AV training courses I have ever taken.
I look forward to completing the SynAudCon 200: Signal Chain Optimization course, and thank you again for all your efforts & impact on the industry! A.C.
Tougher than I expected. D.A.
This was a hard one. J. D.
I was surprised to see most of the questions referenced a graphic and don’t remember seeing that many of those type questions in the quizzes.
Thanks for allowing the ability to print the text portion of the lessons, this will provide me with good reference information in the future. C.L.
This course has molded me. I’m ready for my QSC Level One class now. C.J.
I really enjoyed the filters section. I have never really dove into FIR filters all that much. M.S.
The course was extremely thorough and in depth, it allowed me to revisit old concepts that definitely went over my head much like an a-ha moment! The exam can be a bit difficult with the terminology used but revisiting the topics during the exam and having the opening module documentation is a great asset. M.A.
I like how the general knowledge information is in the outlines but it makes you have to really focus in on the videos, and pay extra careful attention to them if you want to really pick up on the specific course items and details. G.M.
I found the AEC section of this course very interesting, I was not familiar with that technology. D.H.
I found this course very informative and will probably need to do another lap of the content to consolidate my knowledge. J.P.
I wouldn’t change much if anything. Well done. J.M.
Excellent overview of each process and graphics were very helpful especially during the FFT and EQs effect on phase sections. Some graphics may be helpful to incorporate into course overview as well. M.P.
Thank you so much Mrs. Brenda! I really appreciate what you and Pat do and how much work you guys put into SynAudCon! In the age we live in, it is rare to find something that radiates passion and hard work like your courses! C.M.
The presentation and course material is second to none. Detailed relevant explanations of difficult concepts in an easy to consume format. I truly appreciate the extension as work took precedence shortly after starting the course. This is not done by others in the education industry and this fact alone is a factor in continuing through your courses. Kudos to you! S.M.
Great layout and structured learning resource. F.G.
Wanted to say “thank you” to you and Pat for this wonderful course. This was a life-changing course as I’ve been in the field for years but never knew the “how” as to “why” my peers did things a certain way, just did it (because that’s what you needed to do to get a sound system stable, functional, and producing good fidelity). A. C.
This was pretty basic for me, but to be fair I had a feeling that would be the case going in. RUs are RUs though, and Pat’s presentation was very enjoyable. Looking forward to 210. I.S.
I know these courses are all about sharing info in the most effective way, but it seems like you’re getting hit with a ton of info all at once. A little more real world application of topics might help.
There are too many illustrations, I would like to see more live effects videos. A.M.
It is a pleasure and a challenge to listen to Pat trainings. I have been stress out to complete some RU’s for my CTS renewal but with Pat it was fun, challenging and very instructional! L.T.
This is my third course from SynAudCon and I continue to be impressed with the quality of the material and presentation. The concepts underlying digital signal processing are multi-form, varied, and have extraordinary depth. A person could truly spend an entire career plumbing the depths of merely one topic from within the broader field itself. Facing such a substantive challenge can be intimidating – Pat Brown distills it all into an easy-to-approach, understandable, and comprehensive introduction to the subject. I’ve learned a lot! D.D.
Its not easy to stuff 20+ years of knowledge and info into 8 classes but you guys did an amazing job! C.M.
I really enjoyed this course; I found it extremely educational. Before, I never truly understood phase and how it was modified; specifically how the phase response of a filter is frequency dependent. The differences between FIR and IIR were also very enlightening. Thank you 🙂 E.N.
This was probably the most challenging of the three courses I’ve taken, but at the same time, I feel like I probably learned the most from it. The list of definitions at the beginning of the course was a big help while going through it, especially when preparing for the final exam. W.D.
I thought it was really well laid out. Videos were very informative and explained the content well. A.R.
I love the visualizations. They help a lot to drive the concepts home. M.T.
Loved this course– it definitely took longer and required more review but the content was fantastic! C.A.
I really enjoy the course so far and the way Pat has explained the concepts has been second to none. A.C.
Informative class. J.W.
I thought this was super useful! I wish I had been shown this earlier in my career before actually doing some of my engineering work, I feel like I learned many things the hard way. B.K.
Love the clips of info as well as the ability to ask additional questions and for others to see the questions asked so we all learn together. D.H.
Very good course, learned a lot. R.Y.
As a controls programmer I often times get stuck with tuning conference rooms and I think this course gave me a lot good direction. I used a lot of the information provided in this course to ask further questions of my mentor and his audio knowledge. I would say the best thing I liked of this course was the jumping off point this knowledge base provided. D.B.
Personally, I liked this course because I got into this industry at the age of 18 and right now I’m 22 and I’m trying to learn more in-depth about system tuning and optimization and this was actually really helpful in providing me with more information about the DSPs I work with and I’m surely going to do more courses with you guys related to system optimization. J.J.
I thought the course was great. The videos were engaging and the examples were relevant and easy to follow which I have found to be an issue on other online training videos. I would have liked to have some of the images from the videos on the Outline and Lesson portions so I could add notes and reference to the images themselves. S.C.
Pat is reviewing this course now. I will share this suggestion with him. I think this is doable.
More visuals in practice quizzes would be appreciated. J.M.
The final exam was tough but educational. L.M.
I just started with a new employer and am elated to see how supportive they are in terms of continuing education. I am absolutely loving your courses and am very grateful for the membership extension. Thank you! C.A.
It covered the principles of how a DSP works. S.L.
Course was good. M.D.
The course is exactly what I attended for! It is great to have opportunity to learn with Pat cause he is a world wide reference in the audio industry, and, as a system technician for shows and live events I think everyone should follow these course! G.T.
I liked the course. Its full of knowledge and gave me things I can apply to the job. B.E.
It’s very informative, and well created. M.G.
I feel I learned a decent amount. For a course in DSP, the only way to truly have a good understanding is to connect to a piece of equipment and see what actually happens. J.O.
I agree with you 100%. o truly learn these principles it is vital that you “do them”. We strongly urge everyone to implement the principles taught in this course. If you have questions while putting the principles into practice, call us. We will gladly help you.
I really enjoyed this course. I am normally not a fan of online courses, but, the material was presented in easy chunks so that I could pick it up and put it down as my work load allowed. The crossover networks still baffle me somewhat but I have gained a much better understanding of DSP’s holistically. B. L.
The course was great. I plan to take a couple more. M.K.
This course was very interesting. So much information about DSP. I want to take the QSC training course about Q-LAN. Z.V.
The course was well put together. I enjoyed the animations as they really helped illustrate some of the principles. D.C.
The course was laid out well. K.F.
I enjoyed learning how AEC works. I wasn’t quite sure about it, and now it makes a lot more sense! B.P.
Training and refreshing my skills are a good use of ‘down time’. I attended one of your in-person training sessions way back in the late 90’s, really enjoyed it and learned tons. I miss in-person training and would have much preferred to spend the time and capital that way, but alas we’re living in different times.
These courses are great! I’ve been doing AV work since 1988 and am still learning. K.E.
Not just the course itself, which was great- honestly it was a bit harder than I expected it to be- I had to go back and rewatch some stuff before I was able to pass the test because I didn’t take very good notes the first time through. The expectations and tips at the start were very well laid out- its not usually my experience in these industry training classes that they are this very well done. I also appreciated the responsiveness with the help when my login key expired. J.S.
The DSP training filled in a lot of gaps for me. A.P.
I felt the course work was well thought out and gives a lot of great information. A.C.
The material covered her is quite in depth and very informative. J.P.
I really enjoyed the breath and depth and passion of Pat Brown as he taught and shared his knowledge. T.M.
I found this challenging. F.B.
“I enjoyed the personal touch of your company. The graphic examples were also very helpful.” M.M
Thank you for the sending the certificate and for making the training a great experience. I look forward to taking more classes and learning more in the future. S.G.
In addition to being a subject matter expert, Pat has the natural ability to teach difficult topics in a way that students can understand and put into practice. S.S.
The graphics and analogies were great! I wish the graphics could have been saved/printed as I was able to do in Principles of Audio, as I found myself trying to sift back through the video clips to reference certain diagrams. But, overall, I very much appreciated the ability to go back and replay/review the material multiple times. Excellent information presented in an easy to understand manner. C.M.
I have done other in-person DSP training offered by XXX and XXX. I feel this training gives me a much deeper understanding, filling all knowledge cracks I had. I truly enjoyed it. D.M.
All in all a great way to bring my analog knowledge up to to more modern digital levels! J.W.
I can now see why you guys are the gold standard in pro audio training. M.H.
“A lot was packed into this course. If there’s a way to make some components interactive especially when talking about the filters that may help reinforce some information.” N.B. It coming with our next upgrade. B. Brown
I found exactly what I´m was looking for: a complete content with a didactic profile explaining all about the main processors of a DSP matrix, and the filter section has been especially clarifying for me. Another aspect that I was very interested in delving into was that of AEC and it has been a chapter with a fantastic explanation.
I will definitely recommend the course, although the language is a barrier for many of my colleagues and clients in Argentina and Latam.
Thanks again to you and Pat. P.A
Again, this is a great course. Some of the words used to describe the material seemed a little over my head, which for me made it a little difficult to stay engaged. That being said I understand the need to be explicit in word choice so as to be completely clear. It was hard for me to stay focused at times.
I love these courses and am super excited to start putting what I’ve learned in to practice in the real world settings. Thank you very much for all your hard work.
It’s much appreciated. D.R.
I found the course very beneficial and the pace excellent. M.S.
I thought I was in over my head when first reading the course but after I watched the videos several times I started to understand and retain more than I thought I ever would. S.K.
This was an interesting course. I was unfamiliar with some of the terminology, and some of the aspects of DSP were unfamiliar for me, even though I work with DSPs every day. J.H.
Every time I take one of these courses, I’m in awe of how you describe complex concepts so simply. Your illustrations and combinations of static and dynamic media get better every time. I find myself wanting to take the lower numbered courses, even though I’m confident in my knowledge of the concepts, just to see your current methods of presenting the material. Thank you so much for what you do and how you do it. S.P.
I did enjoy the course very much. D.L.
I definitely enjoy the courses and am learning so much! K.S.
I like that I was able to review the videos as much as I needed. Also the easy option to print the course material. Having the option to print the visual aids would be beneficial. T.T.
This course was SO well thought out in terms of it’s organization. That makes for a strong basis for the course, but then you add really precise language and information with (generally) the perfect amount of explanation and detail, balancing clear elucidation while avoiding excessive scientific rabbit holes.
The graphics and animations are mostly really superior and they really help with the visualization of the concepts.
Thank you for providing the entire text of the lesson! As one who has a learning disability, going back and forth from the text to the videos is SUPER helpful.
Many of the quiz questions really help me learn more by making me see a shade of something I hadn’t seen before and putting a fine point on my understanding or making me realize that I don’t quite get the concept and forcing me to look back and think it all through again. And the occaisional fun (wrong) answer like “winter” as opposed to “summer” throws in an unexpected giggle. But I appreciate that most of the quiz answers make one consider the question thoroughly.
The website is really good and it is easy to navigate the course (unlike some other onling training resources!).
I do have one minor issue. The representations of people in the illustrations in this course are about 95% male and white. I’ve been an advocate for inclusion for some 35 years and I’ve seen not enough movement in my industry. Women are still only about 10% of working sound engineers. Small steps like inclusive language (labeling a job title “Sound Engineer” or “Sound Tech” rather than “Sound Man” or “Sound Guy”, for instance) or using illustrations that show women in technical roles are all good steps towards inclusion. This is not meant to be an attack on you and your fine illustrations. It is just an observation.
Oh! I almost forgot. One of the most amazing and important things about this course is that I can ask you a question directly and I get a thorough and timely response!! That is gold! Thank you!! J.A.
We appreciate your kind words. You are absolutely correct on your observation on the title labeling. We will definitely be changing this. Thank you for reminding us. Brenda Brown
Very informative and very descriptive. H.G.
Seemed well done, got the info across with out being boring or tedious. J.S.
Thank you Pat. You and your courses are awesome! I so appreciate the fact that you are there to answer questions. J.A.
Thank you Brenda I really enjoyed the online course which was very well organized and informative. I will keep SynAudCon in mind for future training. D.S.
This course was very informative and did not subscribe to any particular manufacture. D.B.
Really a Great course! J.R.
I wish I had taken those courses decades ago instead of fumbling around trying to discover the underlying principles of audio while bumbling around trying to fix problems on a live stage while performing.
Thank you for another great learning experience. The information was well-presented. Your explanations of the rationale for learning each section framed the need for practical knowledge and reassured me you had drawn the line where to stop with the theoretical, appropriately. In other words, I trusted your judgment. J.H.
The videos were very helpful with the diagrams. It helped me grasp some knowledge on sound delay to distance. D.A.
The course was FANTASTIC!! I have never had better audio training from anywhere else. K.D.
Very in-depth. Started slow and picked up steam as it went along. E.V.
Thank you! This was a tough course. P.F.
As always these courses are fantastic. I always pick up new knowledge even if I have extensive experience with a topic. M.J
The videos were pretty clear and easy to understand and the printed scripts were a great addon to go back and reference. J.G.
I found it very informative, well explained. One really finds out what areas of audio to brush up on! A.L.
The course was a very informative. It provides a basic understanding of DSP vs. Analog MIxing boards. D.T.
“It is quite interesting to see some of the mistakes I have made in the past considering I have been doing this for over a decade using gathered experience rather than studying.
Some of the things I have been doing were correct but there was no clear path to why I did it that way, but now I have a better understanding. Many thanks to You for adding more value to me.” E.O.
Yes, the course was very helpful! B.D.
This was really a nice course with ample amount of data. A lot of my doubts got cleared along with a deeper insight into things that I can now practically apply! I thoroughly enjoyed the training. R.K.
I enjoy this course. Its a lot of information to take away. In the last course I took you gave graphic examples with the PDFs and I felt like those helped me more visualize what was going on. M.D.
Like the animation… explained many concepts in greater detail than I knew about. Took known concepts and expanded…
The last couple sections on phase and crossover were particularly new and challenging. C.L.
Really enjoyed the course. Good to be able to work on it anytime. thanks. J.N.
Honestly I attended a lot of tuning system courses,like Smaart and other softwares but they all lack this kind of presentation on how the filters can play big part on system tuning, this course opened my mind and gave me more confidence to approach any DSP. J.C.
The material is great. I have a reference manual I can refer to in addition the the training I have done with the different DSP manufacturers. This reinforces much of what I have learned from Syn Aud Con in person training. G.P.
It would have been great to be able to print the graphics in the lessons as I’m a visual learner and seeing it on paper is how I learn. K. R.
It was very well laid out. I ended up going through the course material several times to glean as much understanding as I could. Thanks. D.K.
I learned about setting up teleconference systems the most. S.G
Great course! R.L.
Although very informative, I don’t think enough time is spent on some of the audio theory discussed. D.R.
This was very well done, I think it was about just right for an introduction for audio DSP. I would like to see a follow-on that my be more in depth with some homework and exercises for the students to have to solve problems. R.D.
This course has been great for an easier understanding of phase. I’m not sure how to explain it, but it makes understanding the phase trace on an analyzer easier, and also to have an idea how the phase trace will change after applying different filters. I never had a good understanding of FIR filters, and there are many products that now use this technology. It was nice to have a simpler explanation to understand uses, limitations, etc. E.B
A very good course. S. R.
This is second course I’ve taken from you guys and definitely keep me on my toes! Thanks for the good learning experience. R. M.
As always Professor Pat has done an exceptional job at making these topics the right complexity. W.L.
Thank you very much. I got my certificate and I am very satisfied with this course.
One of my acquaintance show me the text book that he got from SynAudCon OptEQ training course that was hold in Thailand.
And in that book I saw something that I don’t understand , IIR and FIR filter. I try to find information from internet but still not very clear to me.
But on course 120 DSP , Pat explain everything very clear and directly related to the audio and sound system. K.K.
Think I prefer the in person training, but do like the online training for a quick review and RU credit renewal. B. L. (6 time in-person graduate)
This course was very beneficial for me. As someone who sells DSP technology regularly, but hasn’t physically worked with DSP in years, this was a great refresher course. P.S.
It was very helpful in understanding filter types and how/when to use them correctly. Good practical advice on gain staging, too. With SynAudCon, it never seems to matter if I “know” a subject, I learn something new, or realize I had incorrect assumptions about topics. F.C.
By the way, the DSP course was great. I always learn something useful, no matter how familiar I am with the subject. I hope more are in the works. F.C
I felt that the content was good. The presenter did a good job keeping me engaged however I am a hands on learner so some user interaction would be nice. J.B.
Well done as always. After many years I still learn some nuggets from each of your courses. T. F.
Thanks so much! Love the website and the wealth of knowledge there! And the training is good too! K.W.
This course certainly challenged me more than the intro courses. I will be certainly re-reading most of this as the course covered so much it was hard to retain everything. Other than that the explanations were clear, concise, and thorough! J.M.
It was a great course. It was a lot for me to swallow. I would have liked to have the time to take it all at once beginning to end. It was challenging to remember everything. It will ultimately help me in learning different DSP’s now. B.P.
You have a very cool curriculum and has definitely kept my interest. S.A.
This course is very informative for someone with little audio knowledge or background. Thank you for providing this service to learn from. J.B.
Pat’s way to deliver material, either in-person or online, is absolutely the best. Perfect mixture of a visual and audio components. G.O.
Thank you for providing this useful resource, it has clarified a few things for me that I can apply to the DSPs we operate at work, particularly around IIR Vs. FIR. A.W.
I thought this course was quite good. I wouldn’t have minded a few more audio examples, to demonstrate certain applications and results (applications of filters, phasing, etc).
There were some good ones, however even more would be welcome (in my opinion). D. M.
The course met my expectations and the difficulty level was about right. Adding some graphics to the course outlines that match the videos would help when reading through them. A.C.
Thank you so much! I don’t know if many people go through the SynAudCon courses like I am right now, but I thought I would give a little background on my scenario. I have been volunteering at a church plant for a few years with very few resources at our disposal. Along with those limitations come many sound system issues and problems that seem to pop up every time we are ready for a church service to begin.
I recommend all your online classes to my Live Sound students. To me this course did not seem quite as organize as your other online courses. J. C.
After taking these previous courses, I have saved so much time when it comes to troubleshooting and fixing issues in our sound system that honestly were operator errors all the way from installation at our new facility. I’m excited to dig into the Audio Applications!
Thanks Brenda I think about you guys all the time! Please tell Pat that the online DSP class is absolutely fantastic you all did a superb job. I really am being sincere when I say it is way above and beyond any other online class I have ever seen.
Thanks again to you and Pat for the work that you have done to make the SynAudCon training available. G.A.
Oh my goodness you forget not only how much you don’t know when you listen to Pat but also how much he does know. I wish I could just have a download from his mind to mine. J.D.
I enjoyed the course, but was a little annoyed that there was a question on the test about a “brick wall” crossover, and I don’t recall seeing or reading about that in the course material. In general IIR and FIR filters still seem foreign, but I feel I can refer to notes and work through it in real life situations. R.J. I will bring the “brick wall” Crossover to Pat’s attention. B.B