Unwinding Distribution Transformers
By Paul Matthews
You will also learn why transformers are often the power bottleneck in distribution systems. You will also learn how to interpret datasheets.
Paul Matthews of Rane Corporation has authored an excellent paper on the inner workings of the distribution transformers used in high voltage systems. These components are often taken for granted, but differences in the performance of various models and designs is significant. The entire work is fifteen pages, so I present the intro along with a link to the full PDF. pb
What could be more mundane than the transformers and autoformers that are the backbone of most audio distribution systems? This article will show you that there is a lot more going on with these chunks of iron and copper than you ever suspected. You will also learn why transformers are often the power bottleneck in distribution systems. Along the way, you will learn how to interpret datasheets, believe or disbelieve manufacturers’ claims, how to specify HV components, and how to setup HV systems to deliver the best possible power, fidelity, and bandwidth.