Pat's Blog – New Learning Resources

Practical audio resources

Educational Resources For Audio Professionals

Here are some new web resources to help you continue your self-education at the time and place of your choosing.

Filter Hose v2
First, there is a new version of a powerful FIR development tool – Filter Hose. FH is a FIR toolbox for audio practitioners. It accepts input data in many forms, and allows you to sculpt a FIR filter to meet your needs. It is low cost, and a light version will be available soon. The tutorial videos on the HX Audio Lab website are great learning tools. I mention it here because FH is platform-independent and works with data from virtually any measurement system.

FIR-ward Thinking – Part 5
A new installment of the FIR-ward Thinking series has been published on the SynAudCon website. FIR-ward Thinking – Part 5 examines the effect that the # of taps has on frequency resolution, and provides some useful means for visualizing this interdependency. I also make the argument that “more taps” than supported by current DSP technology do necessarily provide a benefit for live sound applications. FIR equalization must strike a balance between a realistic target response and how long you are willing to wait for it. It’s not how many taps you have, but how you use them.

The CBT Chronicles
Don and Kevin Keele have released The CBT Chronicles on ‘The Official D.B. Keele, Jr. Youtube page’. The CBT Chronicles are a nine-part video series by inventor Don Keele covering the history and technology of CBT (Constant Beamwidth Transducer) loudspeaker arrays including detailed real-time comparative measurements of a traditional speaker system and a CBT array. Even if you are not a CBT user, you will benefit from Don’s teaching.

Enjoy!   pb