Following and supporting SynAudCon since 1992

Dear He(a)rd,

Since my first SAC class at The Farm in 1992 with Don and Carolyn (and Pat’s first appearance as a guest instructor!), I’ve followed up with several more SAC courses and work-shops over the years, founded and built a company that is fortunate enough to be a contributor to the SAC community through sponsorship and have met the most brilliant people in our industry. I cherish the friendships and long relationships on a global scale. This listserv is something I look forward to reading every day and the education (and some great laughter) never ends.

So…prior to the Holidays with those gift giving ideas swirling around, the obvious occurred to me. I wanted to give my daughter and step son something enduring and special. I gave them the gift of SAC online courses. They were totally jazzed when they opened the cards with the news of a pair of courses for each of them. They dove into one of my mix desks and a DAW was set up on a dedicated PC in anticipation.

Even if they end up becoming rocket scientists or Jim Sorensen’s press secretary 😉 , I’m convinced that learning the fundamentals of audio and sound system design will serve them well in their lives through observation if not a skill. I would be thrilled if they both join our ranks in the future, but only time will tell.

Far be this note a commercial but rather my finding a particular joy in audio gift giving and wanting to share it with you…because I’m convinced that we all got here through quality mentoring and sheer passion. Perhaps a SAC course is a way you can pay it forward.

Next stop for me is ISE in Amsterdam. If anyone attending wants to meet up, drop me a line.


Michael McCook
SurgeX International
Office: (+1)610-847-4956
Direct: (+1)267-251-6119
Fax: (+1)610-847-4955
Skype: michael.mccook