Mains/Sub Alignment – A Different Take


Mains/Sub Alignment is a popular topic. Pat shares a logical, accurate, Time Domain approach that can be implemented with free software.

It’s all summed up in four instructional videos, prefaced by a short introduction video.


1.        Timing and Synchronization
2.        Methodology
3.        Signal Processes
4.        What Did We See?
5.        Understanding Sine Waves
6.        Wavelets
7.        Phase Shift vs. Group Delay
8.        Setup Overview
9.        The Full-Range Box
10.      Subwoofer Alignment

Video 1
1.        Timing and Synchronization   0:00
2.        Methodology   1:04
3.        Signal Processes  2:43
4.        What Did We See?   3:55

Video 2
5.        Understanding Sine Waves   0:00
6.        Wavelets   1:12

Video 3
7.        Phase Shift vs. Group Delay   0:00
8.        Setup Overview   1:52
9.        The Full-Range Box   4:54

Video 4
10.  Subwoofer Alignment   0:00