How Much Do Seat Cushions Matter? Listen For Yourself.
Here’s an interesting study posted to the SynAudCon Forum from Larry Pajakowski, posted with his permission. I’ll let him tell the story. – pb
Our church was closed during the first part of the Covid response and is now open for 50 parishioners at a time per the Chicago Archdiocese. The church seats 1100. Pew seat and back cushions were removed to facilitate disinfecting between services.
I captured some room IRs before and after the the cushions and backs were removed. Wow!
Tools used: sound system, Arta, and GratisVolver.
Note 1. I originally did the video so that none of the church management would even think about not installing the cushions when the Covid19 weirdness ends.
Note 2. Normal reverberation times are considerably lower than the cushion only clip as people + cushions absorb more than the cushions alone. lp