SynAudCon presents a seminar in Thailand
Pat and I had the wonderful opportunity to work with Fuzion Far East Ltd located in Bangkok Thailand. SynAudCon presented a 2-day seminar called “Pro Audio Principles & Applications.”
We were extremely impressed by the professionalism of Fuzion Far East. From the moment we arrived until the end of the seminar, they got a “first class” rating.
It began with the seminar meeting room. The hotel is owned by Yamaha. Many of the Yamaha’s corporate meetings are held in this room. The entire room (walls and ceiling) was treated with acoustical panels. The AV setup was quite elaborate and it included the latest projection and sound reinforcement technology.
Over 130 people attended the seminar. Every seat was filled and Fuzion had a waiting list. The attendees came with an enthusiastic spirit to learn.
Thailand is known for their good food. The event was complimented by impressive meals so we were able to experience their fine cooking.
It took a team to pull off this event. Below is a picture of us with the owners of Fuzion Far East Ltd. I complimented Tony Oates for a well-planned event. His response to me was in a matter-of-fact way, “This is Fuzion’s way”.
Photos often speak louder than words. Please enjoy the photos of the event and our stay in Thailand.

Fuzion Far East Owners, Tony Oates, Sutat Kohkiat, Varuit Rattapong, Siri Wongkamolchun with Pat and Brenda Brown.