This course solidified my bits and pieces of knowledge.

I really enjoyed this course. I had many holes in my knowledge…

How Do Boundaries Affect Loudspeakers?

By Pat Brown Can a room boundary be a "tool of the trade" for…

Reverberation Time vs. Decay Time

by Pat Brown Reverberation Time vs Decay Time - Pat Brown explains…

The Floor-Bounce-Effect – Mic Placement for Equalization

By Pat Brown Pat Brown addresses the importance of considering…

I wasn't a fan of web-based training until now.

Brenda, The training was extremely valuable. It was by far one…

Microphone Mythbusters, Vol. 8 – Why Won't My Mic Work?

by Gino Sigismondi Why Won't My Mic Work? Gino Sigismondi shares…

How to Build a Dummy Load for Testing Large Amplifiers?

by Pat Brown Pat Brown shares how he built a dummy load used…

Measuring RMS Voltage: Many Meters Will Do

By Pat Brown Pat Brown measures RMS Voltage using 5 difference…