How to extract an impulse response from a recorded sweep?

By Pat Brown Pat Brown shows a step-by-step description of how…

SynAudCon – Sound System Alignment and Equalization

This course covers advanced audio topics such as loudspeaker…

SynAudCon – ProSound Principles and Practices

This short course addresses the major aspects of making a sound…

SynAudCon Digital

Please visit this link for a more complete description of this…

SynAudCon – Sound Reinforcement for Technicians

Please watch this video for a more complete description of this…

Thank you so much for been part of my story.

Thank you so much for been part of my story. I can never quantify…

The Cause of Violent Storms

by Don Davis Don Davis asks the question, "Is it possible that…

L-Pad and Step Attenuator Calculator

by Chuck McGregor Resistive L-Pad and Step Attenuator Calculator The…