It’s a community that has been worth the price of admission
I think my understanding of audio increases by about 3dB per week by just sitting here soaking it up. it's a community that has been worth the price of admission. :-)
Microphone Mythbusters Vol. 2 – FCC National Broadband Plan Update
by Gino Sigismondi
A summary of a FCC National Broadband Plan…
Gain-Sharing Automixers in NION
By Ray Rayburn
I helped develop the Gain Sharing automixers in Peavey's MediaMatrix product line when I worked for Peak Audio, and use them in many of my projects. They work great in the old MWare Frames, and in the XFrame88. Unfortunately as they come off the NION device menu, they don't work correctly. Here is how to fix them.
A Closer Look at Loudspeaker Coverage Angles
By Jeremy Johnston
In this article, Jeremy compares the coverage…
SynAudCon Founders Honored With Adele De Berri Pioneers of AV Award
Greenville, IN – June, 2010 – Syn-Aud-Con founders Don and Carolyn Davis have been issued the Adele De Berri Pioneers of AV Award from InfoComm International. The award was presented at the ribbon-cutting ceremony at InfoComm 2010, recently held in Las Vegas.
Product Data Sheets – What should be on product data sheets?
Random Thoughts by Jim Brown
Jim Brown answers this question,…
Sizing an Amplifier Based On Target Voltage
by Pat Brown
Pat gives to two perspectives when sizing an amplifier…
Keep up the great work!
Hello Brenda,
Keep up the great work! I thank you and Pat so…
Man Pat your new web site ROCKS
Man Pat your new web site ROCKS I mean it is awesome.. The Web-Based…