Being the only engineer in the company, it allows me to bounced ideas with other industry professionals.

The SynAudCon email discussion group has had a very positive effect on my business and personal life. I learn new ideas on a regular basis as well as reinforce and/or correct other information that I know. There are always nuggets of information on other subjects that did not apply to what I am doing at the time but have proven to be useful later. The site is also mentally stimulating as well as amusing.

For me on a daily basis it fills a need for communication with other people with a wide range of disciplines that is lacking in my everyday life. Being the only engineer in the company, it allows me to bounced ideas with other industry professionals.

SynAudCon’s yearly organizing of the one-of-a-kind workshops allows those of us who have attended previous regular scheduled workshops to get together and put a face to a name on the discussion group posts. The  workshops that Pat and Brenda organize provides those of us who have never met some of the most respected names in the business the opportunity to meet and learn from them.

Howard Quinton