The EDG List is the Ultimate SynAudCon Experience.

For me, the List is the ultimate Syn-Aud-Con experience. We gather and share our knowledge, experience and uncertainties. Every participant is free to contribute and pose his questions. If one is not prepared to share his/her knowledge, it is also unlikely he/she will learn a lot. If someone is looking for specific solutions (for free), the Listserv is not the right spot. You will have noticed that some of the discussions on the List generate more questions than answers.

I have no problem in offering my point of view on matters which I consider my field of expertise. Others do so to, and I have learned a lot from it.

A simple example: during a construction meeting it was noted that the main power leads for the entire building were planned to run directly under the stage for a small rock concert hall. Although I was the acoustician, not the EE consultant, I pointed out that the stray magnetic field would interfere with back line equipment, single coil pickups, etc. CE qualification for the installation would not do as the equipment on-stage would largely be non-CE due to its vintage character, it also would be so close that CE would not cover this issue. As a result, the power leads were relocated.

This would not have happened if I had not picked up the awareness for these problems on the SAC List. Thanks to people like Bill Whithlock, Ray Rayburn, Jim Brown and many others I gained a lot of knowledge on EMC, but I would never consider myself an expert in this field. I have learned enough to recognize a problem and to realize when an expert has to be called in.

Best regards,

Ben Kok