SynAudCon Founders Honored With Adele De Berri Pioneers of AV Award
Syn-Aud-Con Founders Honored With Adele De Berri Pioneers of AV Award
Don and Carolyn Davis Recognized for Innovation In Audio Industry
Greenville, IN – June, 2010 – Syn-Aud-Con founders Don and Carolyn Davis have been issued the Adele De Berri Pioneers of AV Award from InfoComm International. The award was presented at the ribbon-cutting ceremony at InfoComm 2010, recently held in Las Vegas.
“Don and Carolyn Davis advanced the professionalization of the audio industry through education,” said Randal A. Lemke, Executive Director and CEO, InfoComm International. “Long after their retirement, the Syn-Aud-Con sessions at InfoComm are among the most anticipated by attendees and each day people are able to hear clearly in rooms across the world because of Don and Carolyn Davis.”
Don and Carolyn Davis have dedicated their lives to improving sound quality through education. In 1951, the husband-wife team began their quest selling high fidelity equipment in Lafayette, Indiana. Years later they founded Synergetic Audio Concepts, known as SynAudCon, in response to the growing need for training in the fundamentals of sound reinforcement. Their work in equalization, speech intelligibility and recording technologies provided the backbone for developing training seminars and workshops.
Over the course of their careers, Don and Carolyn Davis have been responsible for the education of more than 10,000 sound contractors and designers. Authors of numerous books, Sound System Engineering remains an industry standard.
“We were delighted to see Don and Carolyn recognized for their work educating the audio industry,” said Brenda Brown, current SynAudCon owner. “Their efforts resulted in the development of thousands of dedicated audio professionals. Every day we work in their footsteps to continue to expand educational opportunities for audio professionals.”
SynAudCon, an industry leading organization in audio education, recently launched a new interactive web presence featuring a professional community, a robust library of technical and educational articles, online audio training, and an assortment of forums and blogs geared toward audio professionals.
The Adele De Berri Pioneers of AV Award is issued annually by InfoComm International to current or former employees of InfoComm member companies who have made an important contribution to the science of audiovisual technology, whether as an inventor or thought leader who advanced the development of a new product, segment or service of the AV industry. George Feldstein, founder of Crestron, was also honored by a Pioneer Award at the ribbon-cutting ceremony at InfoComm 2010.
Synergetic Audio Concepts (SynAudCon) is the leading provider of real world audio education through seminars and workshops offered nationwide. For more than 30 years, SynAudCon has been devoted to providing practical, in-depth training on the principles of audio and acoustics. For more information visit:
For more information please contact: Synergetic Audio Concepts • 8780 Rufing Rd. • Greenville, IN 47124 • Phone: 812-923-0174 • Fax: 812-923-3610 •